These are resources provided to Math 233 students to give you additional problems for self-study. They are not specifically intended for Math 233H students, but they do cover the same material and should be helpful. This will be updated as new resources become available.
Please be aware that these materials largely date from a time when Math 233 did not cover as much material as it does now. In particular, in previous semesters Math 233 did not treat different 3D coordinate systems, surface integrals, and Stokes’s and the divergence theorems (among other things). There were also some topics (for example, curvature) that are not covered now. Thus there are some inconsistencies between these old exams and what you can expect now. Nevertheless, these will still be helpful.
Bill Meeks was a professor in our department who taught Math 233 many times. Here are some of his course materials. The “old exam” files have many practice problems from old midterms. The study guides contain a lot of material. These files won’t contain all the material we cover now, but at least at the beginning of the term they will be helpful.
This is a somewhat random collection of old Math 233 exams, including some from honors sections (Math 233H). There are no solutions available. The files from Fall 2019 do include the new material now covered in the course; earlier files do not.