Eisenberg Math 132: Policy
Printer-friendly version of Eisenberg's sections 3 and 4 policy

The overall grading policy for all sections of Math 132 is explained on the main Math 132 web site.

Additional policy for Math 132 C regarding the 16% instructor's portion of the overall course grade is:

  • Frequent on-line WebAssign homework assignments constitute half of the 16% instructor's portion, that is, 8% of the overall course grade. ( Only the best 80% of your homework assignment scores count.)
  • Quizzes, in lecture and/or discussion section meetings, constitute the other half of the 16% instructor's portion, that is, 8% of the overall course grade. (Only the best 80% of your quiz scores count.)

    Just for showing up and seriously trying a quiz, you get 25% credit for that quiz!

Graded mid-semester exam papers will ordinarily be returned in class—lecture or recitation, whenever the papers are ready—within a week after the exam was given.

To avoid distracting you, your classmates, and your professor, before each class begins please check that your cellphone, watch alarm, and other noisy devices are turned off.

You may not use a laptop or similar type of computer during class. This is to avoid distracting other students (and me), and to help you avoid the temptation of diverting your attention elsewhere.  (An exception will be made for anyone certified by Disability Services as needing such computer use as assistive technology.)

If you arrive late to class, please sit in the first seat you can find so as not to disturb others, and do not come up to the front of the room to pick up returned papers.

Want to send e-mail to me?  Then please follow these guidelines.

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