Eisenberg Math 132: News

See the News page on the main Math 132 course web site. That includes information about the textbook and recommended calculator.

5/14/09 Course wide review today, Thursday, 6:00–9:00 p.m., LGRT 101

Begin preparing for the final exam now!

The above review, open to everybody, is in addition to the reviews Sunday for our section (see next news item).

5/13/09 Pre-final help: office hours & review session

My office hours Thursday & Friday, May 14 & 15, 3:00–5:00 p.m., LGRT 1335G

Holley and I will conduct review sessions for our sections:

  • Sunday, May 17, 3:00–3:55 p.m., LGRT 219 (Holley)
    Review Spring 2008 final, answer your questions, etc.
  • Sunday, May 17, 4:05–5:00 p.m., LGRT 219 (Murray)
    Review Spring 2007 final, answer your questions, etc.

Feel free to attend one or both sessions, and to come and go when you please (but if you miss when a problem is solved, don't expect it to be solved again!).

4/23/09 Final exam Tuesday, May 19, 4:00-6:00 p.m., Boyden Gym (3rd floor)
Chair areas 1–3, 6–9, and 11–14 only!

For all details, see Exams page on Math 132 course web site.

4/23/09 Animations of parametric curves

Graph of x = cos 2t, y = sin t for 0 ≤ t ≤  π/2.
Graph of x = cos 2t, y = sin t for 0 ≤ t ≤  π.
Graph of x = cos 2t, y = sin t for 0 ≤ t ≤  2 π .

Welcome to my section C of Math 132!

1/2/09 Homework requires WebAssign

    In addition to the regular Math 132 textbook, you will be using the WebAssign on-line homework system, and you must buy access to it. See the About Homework page for details about what/how to buy.

1/2/09 Classroom etiquette

  • You may not use a laptop or similar type of computer during class.
    The reason: to avoid distracting other students (and me), and to help you avoid the temptation of diverting your attention elsewhere.  (An exception will be made for anyone certified by Disability Services as needing such computer use as assistive technology.)
  • Turn off your cellphone, watch alarm, and other noisy devices
    Before each class begins, please check that your cellphone, watch alarm, and other noisy devices are turned off. This is to avoid distracting you, your classmates, and the professor.
  • If you arrive late to class, please sit in the first seat you can find so as not to disturb others, and do not come up to the front of the room to pick up returned papers.

1/2/09 See Homework page and WebAssign itself for homework assignments

  • WebAssign homework #1 is due Monday, February 2, 11:00 a.m.
  • Unless there are changes in dates, individual announcements will normally not be made here on the News page about homework assignments.
  • See the About homework page on the main Math 132 course web site for details about using WebAssign.

1/23/08 Guidelines for sending e-mail to me

See also Old news

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