Eisenberg Math 132: 
About homework

Frequent homework assignments done with the on-line WebAssign system constitute half of the 16% instructor's portion, that is, 8% of the overall course grade.

Due dates and late assignment submissions

Due dates for homework will be posted on this web site and in the WebAssign calendar.

Late homework assignment submissions will not be accepted for grading for any reason.

  • This is to allow for all reasons that problem sets are not handed in or are late, including illness, emergencies, officially excused absence from campus, absence for religious observance. (Exception: if you added the course after an assignment's due date.)
  • However, only the best 80% of your homework assignment scores count toward the homework portion of your grade.

Logging in to WebAssign at http://webassign.net/

On the log-in page, give your…

  • Username: your UMass Student ID number
  • Institution: umass
  • Password: initially, your UMass Student ID number* (change it as soon as possible, and make it something you'll remember but others won't be able to figure out!)

    * If you used WebAssign previously, however, your password will still be the same as it was when you last used it.

WebAssign access code

No later than Tuesday, February 10, you must enter your WebAssign access code when you log in.

You obtain the WebAssign access code by buying a WebAssign coupon as part of the the text+WebAssign package, by buying such a coupon separately at the Textbook Annex, or by buying access directly on-line from webassign.net .

Collaboration and plagiarism

On homework you may work with others, but you must each submit your work separately in WebAssign. (Note that many questions are "parameterized", so that no two students will get exactly the same form of a particular problem.) Representing somebody else's work as your own is plagiarism, for which there can be severe penalties under University policy.

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