These cover both theory and calculation. You need to know definitions and statements of theorems. You will be able to use a calculator and—if, as expected and class size permits, the exams are given
at a lab—Mathematica. In any case, you should show the setup leading to the computations done with the calculator or Mathematica.
Final exam: Covers the entire semester's work, with some emphasis on material since the second mid-semester exam. You must take it at the officially scheduled time except in
the case of conflict (Math 455 being the middle one of 3 exams the same day; or another exam at same time, and the last digit of the 5-digit Math 455 class number is higher than the last digit of the class number of
the other course).
Mid-semester exams: Each exam is announced about a week in advance. If class on the exam date is canceled for any reason, the exam will be given at the next class.
There are no make-ups for mid-semester exams. Any excuse for missing an exam due to unavoidable cause such as serious illness must be in writing. By University policy,
I will excuse missing an exam due to certain University-sanctioned events or a day of religious observance (about which you appropriately notified me). The normal arrangement in the case of a valid excuse is that your grade will be based upon the rest of your work.