Math 421: Old News

12/6/06 Homework Set 9 (last one) posted—see Homework page (update)

There were two typographical errors in Set 9 #2.  These have been corrected in the version posted as of Wednesday, Dec. 12, 9:10 p.m.

12/3/06 Exam 2 solutions and score statistics available—see Exams page

11/29/06 Exam 2: Friday, December 1—see Exams page for details (update)

Exam will again be at OIT PC Lab, Du Bois Library 1667.

A detailed topics list is posted now—see Exams page.  See also the note on the Notes page about what trig formulas to remember.

11/29/06 Set 8 is due Wednesday, Nov. 29 (turn in!)  Update

Solutions for Set 8 are now posted—see Homework page

Do turn in this set for grading. If possible, keep a copy of your solutions, as we will go over some of them in class as part of the review for Friday’s exam.

11/16/06 Set 7 is due Friday, Nov. 17 (update)

Because I had forgotten to post ContourIntegrals.nb, the extra credit part of problem 7 is not due until Monday, Nov. 20.

11/9/06 Revised Set 6, due Friday, Nov. 10, is now posted. (update)

Problems #9–12 have been deleted. (They will reappear on Set 7.)

Also, solutions to both Set 4 and Set 5 are now posted.

10/26/06 Set 5 posted—due Friday, Nov. 3

10/19/06 Exam 1 was Monday, Oct. 16—see Exams page (update)

Revised solutions are now available. [I simplified the solution of #2 (b) and included additional methods for #4(b).]

You may deserve more credit for your solution to #3 (b): let me see your paper if you think so!

10/19/06 Set 4 posted—due Wednesday, Oct. 25

Although there are 10 problems in this set, they are mostly computational.  So don’t panic (but start right away!).10/12/06 Homework Set 3 bis is posted—see Homework page (update)

  • The six regular problems in this set should be done for Friday, Oct. 13 to help prepare for the exam, but they should not be handed in.
  • Solutions for those six are now posted, but please try to solve them yourself before looking at my solutions!
  • The two extra credit problems in this set are due Wednesday, Oct. 18.

10/4/06 Set 3 solutions posted—see Homework page

Eventually, the solutions will be password-protected. I’ll tell you the password in class. Your browser will have to allow cookies and execution of JavaScript from my site.

10/2/06 Homework Set 3 is posted—see Homework page (update)

  • The due date was changed to Wednesday, Oct. 4.
  • Possibly ambiguous page references in #5 and #6 were fixed.
  • In #6, which refers to page 63 Exercise 15 (c), wording as to what to draw was fixed: “Also use Cardano3 to draw the given triangle and its image.”

9/23/06 Sets 1 & 2 solutions posted—see Homework page

9/14/06 Policy change: unclaimed papers will not be left in paper-return box

If you miss class when an exam or homework paper is returned, you will need to see me (usually at office hours) in order to retrieve your paper.  I regret that this policy change is mandated by the U.S. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

9/6/06 Request Park’s add-on Mathematica packages by e-mail

I’ll send them back by e-mail.  (They total some 612K even when zipped.)

9/6/06 Notebook from today’s lecture posted in Adobe pdf format, too.

See the Files page.

9/14/06 Second Mathematica session Friday, Sept. 15, LGRT 110

9/8/06 First hands-on Mathematica session Wednesday, Sept. 13

Next Wednesday, and probably next Friday, too, we will meet in the Resource Center, LRT 110.

9/8/06 Homework Set 1 is posted—see Homework page

9/6/06 Assignment for Friday, Sept. 8

I forgot to give the reading assignment for Friday: sections 1.1–1.3.

8/24/06 Textbook

:See the Textbook entry on the About page for information about the textbook this semester.

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Last modified: 08/04/09