Math 421: Install packages

If you are using Mathematica on your own computer, then you will want to install David Park’s two sets of application add-on packages:

  • the DrawGraphics add-on; and
  • the Cardano3 add-on.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Get both add-ons from me, in the form of zip files.
  2. Unzip each to the AddOns\Applications subdirectory of the main Mathematica directory.  For example, if you installed Mathematica to


    then unzip them to


    When you unzip, preserve the directory structure present in the zip archives .
  3. Open Mathematica and from the Help menu select Rebuild Help Index.
  4. Test the installation—in three new input cells, type and then evaluate the following (be sure you use a backquote ` rather than an apostrophe):


    ? Cardano3`ComplexRoutines`*
    ? Cardano3`ComplexGraphics`*

    ? DrawGraphics`*

    If the installation has been done correctly, you should get as output from the second and third input cells lists of hyperlinked function names from these packages.
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