Official conflicts with mid-semester exams
If you have a mid-semester exam in another course at the same time as the Math 131 exam, and if the final digit(s) of the 5-digit “class number” for your Math 131 section is/are higher than the final digit(s) of the 5-digit “class number” for the other course,* then you are entitled to a make-up exam in Math 131. You are also entitled to a make-up exam if you are away on an official off-campus trip. In either case, however, you must document your request for a make-up exam and give us sufficient notice—see How to request a scheduled make-up exam, below.
If you have a class scheduled during the time of a Math 131 exam, you are ordinarily not entitled to a make-up exam in 131. Rather, the instructor of the other course is supposed to excuse you from class and to make provision for make-up work there.
Final exam conflicts
If the Math 131 final exam is the middle one of three finals you have the same day, then you are automatically entitled to a make-up for the Math 131 final. If the Math 131 final is at the same time as another final, use the same method as for mid-semester exam conflicts to determine if you are entitled to a make-up in Math 131. In either case, submit the requisite documentation (see below).
Missing a mid-semester exam due to an emergency, medical problem, or special circumstances
In such a case, contact your instructor, who will evaluate the reasons and determine whether and how to allow you to compensate for the absence. Make-up exams cannot be given just to accommodate travel plans!
In case of a medical emergency, you must submit a statement from a medical professional. While it is your right not to disclose any details, the medical professional’s statement must indicate that you were medically incapable of taking the scheduled exam. If advance notice is possible and not given, your instructor may refuse your request.
If an emergency forces you to leave campus, it is best to notify the Dean of Students (545-2684), who will verify the details and notify the instructors of all affected courses.
Missing the final exam due to an emergency, medical problem, or special circumstances
Contact your instructor and request an Incomplete. Otherwise, you may receive a grade of F in the course.
How to request a scheduled make-up exam
No later than two weeks before the exam you must give your instructor a written request that includes
- your name and student ID number
- your official UMass e-mail addresss (…
- the reason for requesting the make-up exam
In the case of a conflicting exam, attach:
- a printed copy of your class list from Spire; and
- written confirmation from the instructor or a copy of the syllabus or web site from the other course. (In case of a final exam conflict, substitute written confirmation from the Scheduling Office and include the name and contact information for the instructor of the other course.)
In the case of an official off-campus trip, attach written explanation by the relevant campus official for the necessity of your absence. In the case of absence due to religious observance, you should also have already notified your instructor at the beginning of the semester.
If this documentation is in order and submitted in time, your instructor will notify the Course Chair, who in turn will arrange that you be notified directly by e-mail of the scheduled make-up exam’s location.
* For example, if the Math 131 class number is 59321 and the class number in the other course is 22204, then the other course should give the make-up (because 4 > 1). But if the Math 131 class number is 33321 and the class number of the other course is 99911 (with a tie in the final digit), then Math 131 should give the make-up (because 21 > 11).