Current teaching
Fall 2023: STAT 515: Introduction to Statistics I.
Past teaching
- MATH 690STA: Math Theory of Machine Learning Part II, Spring, 2023, UMass Amherst.
- MATH 697MA: Math Theory of Machine Learning Part I, Fall, 2022, UMass Amherst.
- MATH 523H: Introduction to Modern Analysis I, Fall, 2022, UMass Amherst.
- MATH 524: Introduction to Modern Analysis II, Spring, 2022, UMass Amherst.
- MATH 523H: Introduction to Modern Analysis I, Fall, 2021, UMass Amherst.
- MATH 534H: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, Spring, 2021, UMass Amherst.
- STAT 515.02: Introduction to Statistics I, Fall, 2020, UMass Amherst.
- Math 356: Elementary Differential Equations [course webpage], Fall, 2019, Duke University
- Math 356: Elementary Differential Equations [course webpage], Spring, 2019, Duke University
- Math 356: Elementary Differential Equations [course webpage], Fall, 2018, Duke University
- (Teaching Assistant) MATH 151A: Applied Numerical Methods,
Spring, 2017, UCLA
- (Teaching Assistant) MATH 134: Linear and Nonlinear Systems
of Differential Equations,
Fall, 2016, UCLA
- (Teaching Assistant) MATH 191: Numerical Linear Algebra for Data Analysis,
Winter, 2016, UCLA
- (Teaching Assistant) MATH 164: Optimization,
Fall, 2015, UCLA
- (Teaching Assistant) MATH 151A: Applied Numerical Methods,
Fall, 2015, UCLA
- (Teaching Assistant) MATH 33B: Differential Equations,
Spring, 2015, UCLA
- (Teaching Assistant) MATH 61: Discrete Structures,
Spring, 2015, UCLA
- (Teaching Assistant) MATH 32A: Calculus of Several Variables,
Winter, 2015, UCLA
- (Teaching Assistant) MATH 31B: Integration and In nite Series,
Fall, 2014, UCLA
- (Teaching Assistant) MATH 31A: Differential and Integral
Winter, 2014, UCLA