Stats 515, Statistics I
Fall 2017
This is the coursewide-webpage for all sections of Stats 515.
For information on individual sections of Stats 515, please consult the
homepages of the individual instructors.
Course chair
Mike Sullivan, LGRT 1323G. My email is my last name at math dot umass dot edu
Sections and Instructors
Class Number
Meeting Time
Eric Hall
| LGRC A201
2:30-3:45, TuTh
Mike Sullivan
| LGRC A201
12:20-1:10 MWF
Anna Liu
| LGRC A201
1:25-2:15 MWF
Eric Hall
| LGRC A201
1:00-2:15 TuTh
Mike Sullivan
| LGRC A201
11:15-12:05 MWF
TA office hours/recitations
These office hourse/recitations are optional and intended for all sections.
In addition to answering questions (for example, on upcoming HW),
the TAs can also present solutions to previous HW.
Please try to attend one of these.
Monday 2-3pm, LGRT 1114 (11th floor), Dongah Kim
(dkim at math dot umass dot edu)
Tuesday 4-5pm, LGRT 1334 (13th floor) Yuqing Xing
(yuqing at math dot umass dot edu)
Weds 4-5pm, LGRT 0121 (1st floor), Rong Zhang
(zhang at math dot umass dot edu)
Thurs 10-11am, LGRT 1322 (13th floor), Dongah Kim
Thurs 5-6pm, LGRT 1234 (12th floor), Rong Zhang
Instructor office hours
These hours may not be up-to-date, so please consult individual instructors' homepages or section pages for up-to-date information. They are open to all
Stats 515 students from all sections.
Eric Hall, Tuesday 11:00-12:00, Thursday 11:00-12:00, Thursday 4:00-5:00 in LGRT 1422B
Anna Liu, Thursday 2:00-3:00 in LGRT 1438
Michael Sullivan, Monday 10:00-11:00, Wednesday 10:00-11:00, Wednesday 1:15-2:15 in LGRT 1323G
Mathematical Statistics with Applications, Authors: Wackerly,
Mendenhall, Schaeffer (ISBN-13: 978-0495110811), Edition: 7th.
There should be three copies of this book each on 3-hour reserve at DuBois library.
In semesters past, some students used an online international version of the 7th edition.
The material is identical, except that about 25%(?) of the assignment problems, found at the end of each section, are different. If you use the international version and your instructor assigns as HW problems from the book (which is most likely the case), then be sure that you are doing the correct problems by consulting a printed version (for example at the library reserve). The TAs will only grade the problems from the printed version.
Class Material by Section
- Chapter 2: All sections.
- Chapter 3: 3.1 - 3.9, 3.11
- Chapter 4: 4.1-4.10
- Chapter 5: 5.1 - 5.8, 5.10 and 5.11
- Chapter 6: 6.1-6.5
- Chapter 7: 7.1 - 7.3, 7.5
Two semesters of single variable calculus (Math 131-132) or the equivalent, with a grade of "C" or better in Math 132. Math 233 is required for this course.
However, some necessary concepts for multiple
integration or partial derivatives will be re-introduced in the course as
- Final Exam 30%, Midterm 1 20%, Midterm 2 20%. The remaining 30% will be determined by your instructor.
- Grading scale:
A 90-100,
A- 87-90,
B+ 83-87.
B 79-83,
B- 75-79,
C+ 71-75,
C 67-71,
C- 63-67,
D+ 59-63,
D 55-59,
F 0-55.
The midterms will cover separate topics. The final is cummulative but emphasis on post-midterm 2 material. As with almost all math and stats class, the material is sequential and so material on one exam is built on material of the previous exams.
Each exam will contain (tentatively) 4 problems, often with parts.
You may bring one standard (8.5 by 11)-inch double-sided sheet of paper to each exam, with your hand-written notes.
You may bring a calculator.
No devices with internet access are allowed.
Since you are making your own one-page study guide for the exam, no fomula sheet will be provided by the instructors.
Although Midterm 2 and/or the Final may contain some of the distribution tables that are located in Appendix 3 of the textbook.
- Midterm 1: Wednesday, October 11th, 7PM-9PM, ILCN 151 (Eric Hall and Mike Sullivan's Sections 1,2,4,5) and ILCN 101
(Anna Liu's Section 3)
- Material for Midterm 1: Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, 3.1-3.8
- Review (by Dongah Kim) for Midterm 1: Tuesday, October 10th, 7:00pm-8:30pm MARC0131
- Midterm 2: Wednesday, November 15th, 7PM-9PM, ILCN 151 (Eric Hall and Mike Sullivan's Sections 1,2,4,5) and ILCN 101
(Anna Liu's Section 3)
- Material for Midterm 2: 3.11, 4.1-4.8, 4.10, 5.1-5.8, 5.10, 5.11. Note that moment generating functions (sections 3.9 and 4.9) are defered to the final.
- Review (by Rong Zhang) for Midterm 2: Monday, November 13th, 7:00-8:30pm, MOR1N375.
- Final Exam: Monday, December 18th, 1PM-3PM, Boyden Gym. Check SPIRE for up-to-date info on final.
- Review (by Yuqing Xing) for Final: Friday, December 15th, 5:30-7:00pm, MOR20131
Make-up exams
If you have a University-approved conflict (see the link in this paragraph) with an exam, you
must let your instructor know at least two
weeks before the exam. A make-up exam might be scheduled to take
place shortly after the regularly scheduled exam. If so, the make-up exam will be different than the original but cover the same material.
You will need to fill out the following
signed by the Registrar's office,
explaining to your instructor why you are entitled to a make-up.
Make sure to not book any travel during exams, including the snow-make-up date for the final. Travel is not an excuse to miss the exam.
If a last-minute emergency occurs after the two-week deadline, you will need to present to your instructor a note either from your medical provider for medical emergencies or from the
Office of the Dean of Students for non-medical emergencies.
Old exams
Below are various exams, without solutions, from Stats 515 in previous semesters. Note that the format, such as number of problems, varies. This is because the course chair also varies. Moreover, the exams dates are not always at the same point in the semester. So for example, some material on midterm 1 from one class might appear on midterm 2 of another class.
Here is a link to the
Fall 2015 Midterm 1.
Here is a link to the
Spring 2016 Midterm 1.
Here is a link to the
Fall 2016 Midterm 1.
(in draft form)
Here is a link to the
Spring 2017 Midterm 1.
Here is a link to the
Spring 2016 Midterm 2.
Here is a link to the
Fall 2016 Midterm 2.
Here is a link to the
Spring 2017 Midterm 2.
Here is a link to the
Fall 2015 Final.
Here is a link to the
Spring 2016 Final.
Here is a link to the
Fall 2016 Final.
Here is a link to the
Spring 2017 Final.
Here are two quizzes from Fall 2015, which some students took instead of a Midterm 2 that semester.
Another Quiz