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Short CV

Since January 2021, I am an Assistant Professor at University of Massachusetts Amherst. Before, I was an MSI Fellow at the Australian National University (2019-2021), a postdoctoral member of the MSRI program on Higher categories and categorification (Spring 2020), and a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Swiss NSF at Johns Hopkins (2017-2019). I got my PhD in 2017 at EPF Lausanne Switzerland, under the supervision of Kathryn Hess. My research is supported by the NSF grant 2203915.

Research Interests

  • Higher category theory
  • Homotopy theory
  • Algebraic topology

  • ω-categories with Dimitri Ara, Andrea Gagna, Amar Hadzihasanovic, Felix Loubaton, Viktoriya Ozornova,

    These papers develop certain aspects of the theory of ω-categories.

  • A model for the coherent walking ω-equivalence, with A.Hadzihasanovic, F.Loubaton, V.Ozornova, 2024: arXiv,
  • What is an equivalence in a higher category?, with V.Ozornova, 2023, Bull. London Math.: arXiv, doi
  • A categorical characterization of strong Steiner ω-categories, with D.Ara, A.Gagna and V.Ozornova, 2022, J. Pure Appl. Algebra: arXiv, doi
  • Nerves and cones of free loop-free ω-categories, with A.Gagna and V.Ozornova, 2021, Tunis. J. Math.: arXiv, journal

  • (∞,n)-categories with Lyne Moser, Viktoriya Ozornova, Nima Rasekh, and Dominic Verity

    These papers develop certain aspects of the theory of (∞,n)-categories or new model categories for (∞,n)-categories for general n.

  • (∞,n)-Limits I: Definition and first consistency results, with L.Moser and N.Rasekh, 2023: arXiv
  • An (∞,n)-categorical straightening-unstraightening construction, with L.Moser and N.Rasekh, 2023: arXiv
  • A homotopy coherent nerve for (oo,n)-categories, with L.Moser and N.Rasekh, 2022, J. Pure Appl. Algebra: arXiv, doi, pdf
  • A Quillen adjunction between globular and complicial approaches to (∞,n)-categories, with V.Ozornova, 2022, Adv. Math: arXiv, doi
  • Gray tensor product and saturated N-complicial sets, with V.Ozornova and D.Verity, 2020: High. Struct.: arXiv, doi, pdf
  • Fundamental pushouts of n-complicial sets, with V.Ozornova, 2020, High. Struct.: arXiv, doi, pdf
  • Model structures for (∞,n)-categories on (pre)stratified simplicial sets and spaces, with V.Ozornova, 2018, Algebr. Geom. Topol.: arXiv, doi

  • (∞,2)-categories with Julie Bergner, Philip Hackney, Lyne Moser, Viktoriya Ozornova, and Emily Riehl

    These papers develop certain aspects of the theory of (∞,2)-categories or new model categories for (∞,2)-categories. Most of my work focuses on the model of 2-complicial sets.

  • Model independence of (∞,2)-categorical nerves, with L.Moser and V.Ozornova, 2022: arXiv
  • An (∞,2)-categorical pasting theorem, with P.Hackney, V.Ozornova and E.Riehl, 2021, Trans. Am. Math. Soc.: arXiv, doi
  • An explicit comparison between Θ_2-spaces and 2-complicial sets, with J.Bergner and V.Ozornova, 2021: Algebr. Geom. Topol.: arXiv
  • The Duskin nerve of 2-categories in Joyal's cell category Θ_2, with V.Ozornova, 2019, J. Pure Appl. Algebra: arXiv, doi
  • Nerves of 2-categories and categorification of (∞,2)-categories, with V.Ozornova, 2019, Adv. Math: arXiv, doi

  • (∞,1)-categories with Daniel Fuentes-Keuthan, Philip Hackney, Magdalena Kedziorek, and Emily Riehl

    These papers develop certain aspects of the theory of (∞,1)-categories or new model categories for (∞,1)-categories.

  • Pushouts of Dwyer maps are (∞,1)-categorical, with P.Hackney, V.Ozornova and E.Riehl, 2022 Algebr. Geom. Topol.: arXiv
  • Induced model structures for ∞-categories and ∞-groupoids, with P.Hackney, 2021, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.: arXiv, doi
  • Weighted limits in an (∞,1)-category, 2019, Appl. Categorical Struct.: arXiv, doi, pdf
  • A model structure on prederivators for (∞,1)-categories, with D.Fuentes-Keuthan and M.Kedziorek, 2018, Theory Appl. Categ.: arXiv, doi, pdf

  • 2-Segal spaces with Julie Bergner, Angélica Osorno, Viktoriya Ozornova, and Claudia Scheimbauer

    This series of papers is on the topic of 2-Segal spaces and their relation with the Waldhausen construction.

  • Comparison of Waldhausen constructions, with J.Bergner, A.Osorno, V.Ozornova and C.Scheimbauer, 2019, Ann. K-Theory: arXiv, doi
  • 2-Segal objects and the Waldhausen construction, with J.Bergner, A.Osorno, V.Ozornova and C.Scheimbauer, 2018, Algebr. Geom. Topol.: arXiv, doi
  • The edgewise subdivision criterion for 2-Segal objects, with J.Bergner, A.Osorno, V.Ozornova and C.Scheimbauer, 2018, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.: arXiv, doi
  • The unit of the total décalage adjunction, with V.Ozornova, 2017, J. Homotopy Relat. Struct. arXiv, doi
  • 2-Segal sets and the Waldhausen construction, with J.Bergner, A.Osorno, V.Ozornova and C.Scheimbauer, 2016, Topology Appl.: arXiv, doi

  • Bundles and characteristic classes under Kathryn Hess

    My PhD thesis focuses on the study of homotopy invariants of principal bundles and geometric interpretations of characteristic classes.

  • Towards new invariants for principal bundles, 2017: PhD Thesis, EPFL doi
  • Characteristic classes as complete obstructions, 2016, J. Homotopy Relat. Struct. arXiv, doi pdf
  • A looping-delooping adjunction for topological spaces, 2015, Homology Homotopy Appl.: arXiv, doi, pdf