SageMath and GAP

“SageMath is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL. It builds on top of many existing open-source packages: NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, Sympy, Maxima, GAP, FLINT, R and many more. Access their combined power through a common, Python-based language or directly via interfaces or wrappers.” -

For the official SageMath documentation, please see:

Using SageMath on the cluster

The best way to use SageMath on the rcfcluster is to create a new python virtual environment.

Creating the SageMath virtual environment

To create a new virtual enviroment for running SageMath scripts, type the following terminal commands, line-by-line, on the rcfcluster head node:

# Load the miniconda module:
module load miniconda

# READ THIS: If this is your first time creating ANY python virtual environment on rcfcluster, include this line. Otherwise you should omit it:
conda init bash

# set up your bash environment to use conda:
source ~/.bashrc

# Create the new environment, called 'sage' that will include all the sage packages:
# Note: you may choose to change the python version if desired
conda create -n sage -c conda-forge sage python=3.9

# (type 'y' when prompted if you want to install all the suggested packages. This step will take awhile as everything is downloaded and installed)

Installing additional packages

Installing new packages into the sage virtual enviroment is the same as for any other python virtual environment. Please see the Python section of this guide for more details.

NOTE: If conda can’t locate the package you want, you may need to specify the conda-forge repo. For example, to install the anytree package::

conda activate sage
conda install -c conda-forge anytree

Submitting a sage script to slurm

Below is an example of a sbatch script for running a sage script, example.sage:


#SBATCH --job-name=sage-example
#SBATCH --time=5:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1G
#SBATCH -n 1

# Activate sage conda environment:
module load miniconda
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate sage

# Run the script:
sage example.sage

Using GAP on the cluster

SageMath also includes an interface to GAP, a system for computation discrete algebra.

For official documentation on using GAP packages in sage, see: