To load the julia module, use:
module load julia
For adding packages, this can be done directly on the head nodei. For example, to add the package “StaticArrays”:
ssh rcfcluster
module load julia
using Pkg
For running interactive code within the julia interface, use srun
to submit your jobs to the scheduler, and get command line access to a compute node:
srun --partition intel --pty bash
module load julia
# run your code and exit() when done
For running a non-interactive script, use sbatch. A bare-bones example sbatch script to run a julia script called example.jl
would be something like the following julia-sbatch-example.sh
#SBATCH --job-name=julia-example
#SBATCH --output=julia-example-%j.out
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --partition=intel
module load julia
julia example.jl
You can then type sbatch julia-sbatch-example.sh
on the command line of rcfcluster to submit this job to slurm. You can add more specific parameters to the job submission script to request more memory, cpus, time, etc - see the Resource Requests section for more details.