Courses taught and other activities
Click on the name of a course to see its description.
Current courses
WGSS 395J: Imagining Justice (Fall 2021/Laura Ciolkowski)Facility: Western Massachusetts Women’s Correctional Center in Chicopee
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Past courses
WGSS 201: Gender and Difference: Critical Analyses (Spring 2021/Laura Ciolkowski)Facility: Western Massachusetts Women’s Correctional Center in Chicopee
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WGSS 396: Imagining Justice (Fall 2020/Laura Ciolkowski)
Facility: Western Massachusetts Women’s Correctional Center in Chicopee
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Math 197C: Introduction to Math Modeling and Coding (Spring 2020 - stopped midway because of COVID-19/Annie Raymond)
Facility: Hampshire County Jail in Northampton
Course description: This course is an introduction to both mathematical modeling and to coding. Models and simulations help us make sense of the world. Physical, biological, and social systems are complex and chaotic. Through modeling and coding, we can abstract systems like these in useful ways. The main goal of the class is to learn how to translate real-world problems into quantitative terms and to implement these models in Python to simulate them computationally in order to yield interesting interpretations of these problems, suggestions of improvement and future predictions.
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Create models of different kinds of systems (e.g., populations, thermal systems, mechanical systems) using multiple kinds of appropriate abstractions (e.g., free-body diagrams, stock-and-flow diagrams), validate the predictions of your models using different approaches (e.g., estimation, physical laws, analytical solutions), and use your models to do useful work (e.g., make predictions, explain behavior, evaluate design decisions).
2. Use Python to implement models, run simulations, work with data, and generate visualizations, and demonstrate development of key computational skills (e.g., software development, debugging, problem decomposition, functional abstraction).
3. Be a critical consumer of models (e.g., by assessing a model that you encounter and evaluating whether it is appropriate and useful for a given purpose). Understand the opportunities and responsibilities involved in creating and using models.
Math 100: Basic Math Skills for the Modern World (Spring 2019/Annie Raymond and Nathaniel Whitaker)
Facility: Hampshire County Jail in Northampton
Course description: We will cover the following topics: sets, applications of Venn diagrams, introduction to probability, basic concepts of probability, conditional probability, independent events, Bayes’ theorem, the multiplication principle, permutations, combinations, probability applications of counting principle, binomial probability, probability distributions; expected value, frequency distributions; measures of central tendency, measures of variation, the normal distribution, normal approximation to the binomial distribution, slopes and equations of lines, linear functions and applications, the least squares line, solution of linear systems by the echelon method, solution of linear systems by the Gauss-Jordan method, addition and subtraction of matrices, multiplication of matrices, matrix inverses, graphing linear inequalities, solving linear programming problems graphically, applications of linear programming, the simplex method, graph theory.
Journ 497J: Social Justice Journalism: Mass Incarceration (Fall 2017/Razvan Sibii)
Facility: Hampshire County Jail in Northampton
Course description: ADD
Other activities
Lecture Series (Fall 2019)
Facility: Hampshire County Jail in Northampton
Organized by Annie Raymond, this lecture series featured the following topics and speakers:
-Math magic by Annie Raymond
-From Segregation to Department Head With a Lot of Help Along the Way by Nathaniel Whitaker
-The Attack on Urban Neighborhoods by Jonathan Wynn
-Psychology of Peace and Violence by Quinnehtukqut McLamore
-Social relationships among different animal species by Nikki Lee
-Supreme Myths about the High Court by Paul Collins
-Memory and the brain by Rosie Cowell
-Theories of Crime by Wenona Rymond-Richmond
Math Circle (Fall 2018/Annie Raymond with Nathaniel Whitaker as a special guest)
Facility: Hampshire County Jail in Northampton
Math Circles aim to present math in a different way through puzzles and experiments. Among many others, topics explored that semester included how to split a cake (or rent!) in an envy-free way way, how to pair and marry off people so that no couple gets divorced, and how to cross rivers.