Math 131: Text & calculator

Required textbook

Homework problem assignments and daily readings will be from:

  • Stewart, Calculus: Early Transcendentals Vol 1 - University of Massachusetts Amherst, Sixth Edition, Thompson Brooks/
    Cole, 2007. Paperback.  ISBN 0-495-48312-5.

    It is essential that you get this Sixth Edition.

Thumbnail of cover, Stewart Calculus  custom UMass editionThe text is a version of Stewart’s 6th edition made especially for our course.

This custom UMass edition costs much less than what the regular, hardbound version costs!

You will also need to buy access to the WebAssign on-line homework system. You do this by buying the textbook + WebAssign “bundle” (also called “package”).

This bundle should include two WebAssign access coupons—one coupon for Math 131 and the second coupon to be saved for Math 132.

There are two ways to buy this bundle:

On-line from publisher:



ISBN 0-495-47006-6

The on-line price includes shipping. If you buy on-line, while awaiting delivery of the printed copy you should download Chapters 1–2, from:

At on-campus Follett’s Textbook Annex:



ISBN 0-495-47006-6

The Textbook Annex has some used copies of the text alone at $65.25, and a single-semester’s WebAssign access coupon for $7.50. If you buy a used copy, be sure to buy the WebAssign coupon, too.

You are not required to buy either the Student Guide (SG) or the Student Solutions Manual (SSM) that may be offered by the Textbook Annex.


You should have access to a suitable graphing scientific calculator for homework and all of the exams except Exam 2.

See the Calculator skills page for information on what you need to know how to do with your calculator. 

Picture of TI-89 Titanium handheld graphing calculatorRecommended: the Texas Instruments TI-89 Titanium.  If you’re buying a new calculator, this is the one to get. It will do symbolic manipulations common in calculus and assist you with certain paper-and-pencil calculations.

The TI-89 Titanium has 3 times as much memory as the TI-89, which it replaces.  It comes with a bunch of preloaded applications.

OK: the Texas Instruments TI-89.  This has nearly all the features of the TI-89 Titanium although it has considerably less memory. It is no longer manufactured, although it may still be available in stores. Its replacement is the TI-89 Titanium.

Passable for now: the Texas Instruments TI-86. If you already own this and don’t want to buy a new calculator now, you may be able to get by with it in Math 131. But you will doubtless want to step up to the TI-89 Titanium when you take Calculus II (Math 132).

The main limitation of TI calculators with model numbers below 89 is their symbolic capabilities. For Math 131, you may find it useful to have a calculator that can find derivatives symbolically (not just numerically), in order to check your paper-and-pencil work; according to the TI web site, TI models 83 through 86 cannot do that. Later, for Math 132, you’ll surely want a calculator that can find indefinite integrals symbolically, in order to check your paper-and-pencil work; according to the TI web site, TI models 83 through 86 cannot do that.

If you insist upon using some other graphing scientific calculator, you do so “at your own risk”: Even if you bring along the instruction book, there is no guarantee that your instructor or TA can help you with such a calculator’s use.

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