Math 131: Riemann sums on TI-89

Problem:  Use left-hand endpoint, right-hand endpoint, and midpoint Riemann sums to estimate the area under the graph of y = f(x) =  6/(x2 + 1) from x = 1 to x = 5.  In other words, estimate ∫_1^5 f(x)dx.  The instructions below show how to use a TI-89 calculator to do this.  Of course, you still need to be able to write out such Riemann sums with paper and pencil.

 Estimates for n = 4

 Use F4 (Other) key; select Define

Define  f (x) = 6/(x^2 + 1) 
Define  deltax = (5. - 1.)/4 
Define  x (i) = 1. + i * deltax 

 Use F3 (Calc) key; select Σ (sum)

 Right-hand endpoint Riemann sum:

Σ (f (x (i)) * deltax, i, 1, 4)          

 Left-hand endpoint Riemann sum:

Σ (f (x (i - 1)) * deltax, i, 1, 4)          

 You could use one very long expression like the following…
… but that's a bad idea!      

 Midpoint Riemann sum:

Define  xbar (i) = 1. + deltax/2 + (i - 1) * deltax 
Σ (f (xbar (i)) * deltax, i, 1, 4)          

 Estimates for n = 10

Define  deltax = (5. - 1.)/n
Define  x (i) = 1. + i * deltax Define  xbar (i) = 1. + deltax/2 + (i - 1) * deltax

Define n = 10 
Σ (f (x (i)) * deltax, i, 1, n)          
Σ (f (x (i - 1)) * deltax, i, 1, n)          
Σ (f (xbar (i)) * deltax, i, 1, n)          

 Estimates for n = 100

Define n = 100 
Σ (f (x (i)) * deltax, i, 1, n)          
Σ (f (x (i - 1)) * deltax, i, 1, n)          
Σ (f (xbar (i)) * deltax, i, 1, n)          

 Estimates for n = 1000

Define n = 1000
Σ (f (x (i)) * deltax, i, 1, n)          
Σ (f (x (i - 1)) * deltax, i, 1, n)          
Σ (f (xbar (i)) * deltax, i, 1, n)          

 (It will take about 4 minutes for each of these results for n = 1000.)

Created by Mathematica  (January 30, 2005)

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