Meetings: MW 2:30pm - 3:45pm in LGRT 141.
Office hours: M. 4pm - 5:30pm; Th. 4pm - 5:30 pm in LGRT 1435I.
Email: kien[at]math[dot]umass[dot]edu
TA: Xuejiao (Iris) Li; email: xuejiaoli[at]umass[dot]edu.
Course-wide webpage Please read this page carefully for important information about the course, such as syllabus, exams, WebAssign, etc..
2 mid-terms and final exam worth 25% each.
Webassign homework: 20%.
Quizzes: 5% .
Exam 1: Oct 2, 7pm-9 pm, GOES0020; makeup: Oct 3, 7pm-9pm, GSMN0151 and GSMN0152.
The material to be covered on Exam 1 is through Section 13.2.
Solutions to exam 1.
Exam 2: Nov 14, 7pm-9 pm, MOR1N375; makeup: Nov 15, 7pm-9 pm, location TBA.
The material to be covered on Exam 2 is through Section 14.8.
Final exam: Dec 18, 8:00 am - 10:00 am, Boyden Gym.
Old problems for exam 1.
Old problems for exam 2.
Old problems for final exam.