Math 235 : Introduction to Linear Algebra

Fall 2013

This is the course-wide webpage. Please consult your section webpage for additional information.


Students needing an override in order to enroll in the course should contact the course chair Paul Hacking with the following information: (1) sections of the course which conflict with other courses from your academic schedule, and (2) preferred section of the course. (Unfortunately, in order to keep the sections balanced we cannot guarantee that you will be assigned to your preferred section.)


Oblomkov, 235.1, MWF 10:10AM--11:00AM.
Norman, 235.2, MWF 11:15AM--12:05PM.
Kusner, 235.3, TuTh 1:00PM--2:15PM.
Hacking, 235.4, MWF 12:20PM--1:10PM.
Wilson, 235.5, TuTh 11:15AM--12:30PM.
Hatley, 235.6, TuTh 9:30AM--10:45AM.


The course text is Linear algebra with applications by Otto Bretscher (4th or 5th ed.). googlebooks.


Overview (numbers are sections from the textbook):

Linear equations: 1.1 -- 1.3.
Linear transformations: 2.1 -- 2.4.
Subspaces of Rn and their dimensions: 3.1 -- 3.4.
Linear spaces: 4.1 -- 4.3.
Determinants: 6.1 -- 6.3.
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors: 7.1 -- 7.5.
Orthogonality: 5.1, 5.2.

Detailed syllabus: pdf.

Tentative schedule of classes here.

Common Exams

There will be one common midterm exam and a final exam. (Your instructor will also schedule additional midterm exams for your section.)

Calculators, notes, and the textbook are not allowed on the common exams. You should bring your student ID (UCard) to each exam.

Common Midterm

The common midterm will be held on Wednesday 11/13/13, 7:00PM--8:30PM, in the following locations:

Hasbrouck Lab. 134: 235.1 (Oblomkov)
Hasbrouck Lab. 020: 235.2 (Norman), 235.4 (Hacking), 235.5 (Wilson), 235.6 (Hatley)
Hasbrouck Lab. 126: 235.3 (Kusner).

The syllabus for the common midterm is Chapters 1-4 and 6 of the textbook, with the emphasis being on Chapters 3,4 and 6.

There will be a review session for the common midterm on Tuesday 11/12/13, 7:00PM--8:30PM in Thompson 102. The review questions are here. Solutions are here.

Please try the review questions before the review session! At the review session I will work through some of the review questions (based on student requests). But it is important to try the questions on your own first.

If you have a documented conflict for the common midterm you must give the course chair Paul Hacking at least one weeks' written notice in order to take the make-up exam. Other make-up exams (e.g. due to medical emergencies) will be handled by your section instructor.

Final Exam

The final exam will be held on Wednesday 12/11/13, 8:00AM-10:00AM, in the following locations:

235.1 (Oblomkov) : Hasbrouck Lab. 134
235.2 (Norman) : Hasbrouck Lab. 124
235.3 (Kusner) : Hasbrouck Lab. 126
235.4 (Hacking) : LGRT 123
235.5 (Wilson) : Goessmann Lab. 51
235.6 (Hatley) : LGRT 121

If you have a documented conflict for the final exam you must give the course chair Paul Hacking at least two weeks' written notice in order to take the make-up exam. Other make-up exams (e.g. due to medical emergencies) will be handled by your section instructor.

There will be a review session for the final exam on Tuesday 12/10/13, 7:00PM--8:30PM, in Marcus 0131. The review questions are here. Please try the review questions before the review session! Solutions to the review questions are here.


Grades will be assigned to course percentages according to the following guidelines:
A-, A : 85-100
B-, B, B+ : 70-85
C-, C, C+ : 55-70
D, D+ : 40-55
F : 0-40

The common exams will count towards your course percentage as follows: Common midterm 20%, Final Exam 35%. See your section webpage for the allocation of the remaining 45%.

This page is maintained by Paul Hacking