- I am currently serving as Associate Department Head for Curriculum.
- This semester I am teaching Math 300 (Introduction to Mathemtical Thinking) using the book "Introduction to Mathematical Structures and Proofs" by Larry Gerstein.
- Here is a Jupyter notebook in Python for illustrating some of the objects in my recent paper, "Minimal special degenerations and duality," with Juteau and Levy: Special slices and duality code. To save it: right click and save without the txt extension.
- I was on sabbatical in Fall 2023. I spent two weeks in Padua, Italy teaching a 12 hour PhD course on Hessenberg varieties.
- I was a guest editor for Transformation Groups for the memorial volume for my late colleague Jim Humphreys, which was published online in August 2023. Check out the photo of Jim visiting China, supplied by Jim's PhD student Zongzhu Lin.
- Congratulations to my advisor, George Lusztig, for winning the Wolf Prize in Mathematics in 2022.
Professor |
Department of Mathematics & Statistics |
University of Massachusetts |
Lederle Graduate Research Tower |
Amherst, MA 01003 |