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Math 621 Homework Assignment 7 Spring 2000

Due: Tuesday, May 2

  1. Find the value of the integral tex2html_wrap_inline181 for:

    (a) C the circle tex2html_wrap_inline185 .

    (b) C the circle tex2html_wrap_inline189 .

  2. Suppose that tex2html_wrap_inline191 , tex2html_wrap_inline193 and h(z) has a zero of order 2 at tex2html_wrap_inline197 . Prove that


  3. Compute the integral of the following functions over the circle tex2html_wrap_inline199 :

    (a) tex2html_wrap_inline201

    (b) tex2html_wrap_inline203

    (c) tex2html_wrap_inline205

  4.   Let P(z) and Q(z) be polynomials and suppose that tex2html_wrap_inline211 . Show that


    where the sum runs over all singularities of the rational function P/Q. Do this problem in two ways: (1) Directly, without considering the residue at tex2html_wrap_inline215 . (2) As a special case of problem 6.

  5.   Lang Problem 37 page 190: Let f be analytic on tex2html_wrap_inline219 with exception of a finite number of isolated singularities tex2html_wrap_inline221 . Define the residue at infinity


    for tex2html_wrap_inline223 .

    (a) Show that tex2html_wrap_inline225 is independent of R.

    (b) Show that the sum of the residues of f in the extended complex plane tex2html_wrap_inline231 is equal to zero. (This result is often refered to as The residue Theorem.)

  6.   Lang Problem 38 page 190 (Cauchy's Residue Formula on the Riemann Sphere).
  7. Basic Exam, September 1998 Problem 5: Compute tex2html_wrap_inline233 where C denotes the circle tex2html_wrap_inline237 transversed counterclockwise. Hint: Use the residue at infinity (problem 6) to save computations.
  8. Basic Exam, January 2000 Problem 7: Let f be a one-to-one holomorphic map from a region tex2html_wrap_inline241 onto a region tex2html_wrap_inline243 . Suppose that tex2html_wrap_inline241 contains the closure of the disk tex2html_wrap_inline247 . Prove that for tex2html_wrap_inline249 the inverse function tex2html_wrap_inline251 is given by


  9. Let P(z) be a polynomial of degree d and assume that the roots tex2html_wrap_inline257 of P are simple. Show that for R sufficiently large:


  10. Lang page 189 Problem 29: Let U be a connected open set, and let D be an open disk whose closure is contained in U. Let f be analytic on U and not constant. Assume that the absolute value tex2html_wrap_inline273 is constant on the boundary of D. Prove that f has at least one zero in D. Hint: Consider tex2html_wrap_inline281 with tex2html_wrap_inline283 .
  11. Basic Exam January 2000 Problem 9: Prove that the equation


    has 3 roots in the unit disk tex2html_wrap_inline285 .

  12. Basic Exam, August 99 Problem 4: Let tex2html_wrap_inline287 be a real number larger that 1. Show that the equation tex2html_wrap_inline291 has exactly one solution in the half plane tex2html_wrap_inline293 . Moreover, the solution is real.
  13. Basic Exam, January 99 problem 3:
    Determine the number of zeroes of tex2html_wrap_inline295 in the disk tex2html_wrap_inline297 .
    Compute the integral tex2html_wrap_inline299 .

  14. (Recommended Problem, you need not handed it in) Lang Page 191 Problem 40 (modified): Let a, tex2html_wrap_inline303 with tex2html_wrap_inline305 and tex2html_wrap_inline307 . Let tex2html_wrap_inline309 be the circle of radius R.

    a) Show that there is an analytic branch of tex2html_wrap_inline313 defined in tex2html_wrap_inline315 and such that is analytic with value 1 at tex2html_wrap_inline215 .

    b) Evaluate


    c) Evaluate


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Eyal Markman
Thu Apr 27 16:35:06 EDT 2000