 | | Publications
- [1]
R.C. Young.
An Extension of Glimm's Method to Third Order in Wave
PhD thesis, U.C. Davis, 1991.
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Robin Young.
Sup-norm stability for Glimm's scheme.
Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 46:903-948, 1993.
- [3]
Robin Young.
On elementary interactions for hyperbolic conservation laws.
Unpublished note, 29 pages, available at
http://www.math.umass.edu/~young/Research/misc/elem.pdf, 1993.
- [4]
B. Temple and R. Young.
The large time stability of sound waves.
Comm. Math. Phys., 179:417-466, 1996.
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B. Temple and R. Young.
The large time existence of periodic solutions for the compressible
Euler equations.
Matematica Contemporânea, 11:171-190, 1996.
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B. Temple and R. Young.
Solutions to the Euler equations with large data.
In Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications. World
Scientific, 1996.
- [7]
J. Glimm, J. Grove, X-L. Li, R. Young, Y. Zeng, and Q. Zhang.
Front Tracking: A Parallelized Approach for Internal Boundaries
and Interfaces, volume 1041 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 257-266.
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Robin Young, James Glimm, and Brian Boston.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on the Physics
of Compressible Turbulent Mixing.
World Scientific Press, 1996.
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Robin Young.
Exact solutions to degenerate conservation laws.
SIAM J. Math. Anal., 30:537-558, 1999.
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Robin Young.
Periodic solutions for conservation laws.
Contemp. Math., 255:239-256, 2000.
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Robin Young.
Sustained solutions for conservation laws.
Comm. PDE, 26:1-32, 2001.
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Robin Young.
The p-system I: The Riemann problem.
Contemp. Math., 301:219-234, 2002.
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Robin Young.
The p-system II: The vacuum.
In R. Picard, M. Reissig, and W. Zajaczkowski, editors, Evolution Equations, pages 237-252, Warsaw, 2001. Banach Center.
- [14]
Robin Young.
Wave interactions in nonlinear strings, I.
In E.F. Toro, editor, Godunov Methods, Theory and Applications,
pages 1065-1071. Kluwer Academic, 2001.
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Robin Young.
Wave interactions in nonlinear strings, II.
In Heinrich Freistühler and Gerald Warneke, editors, Eighth
Int'l Conference on Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications,
pages 931-939. Birkhäuser, 2001.
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Robin Young.
Wave interactions in nonlinear elastic strings.
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 161:65-92, 2002.
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Robin Young.
Nonstrictly hyperbolic waves in elasticity.
J. Diff. Eq., 188:80-109, 2003.
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Robin Young.
Isentropic gas dynamics with large data.
In Thomas Hou and Eitan Tadmor, editors, Hyperbolic Problems:
Theory, Numerics, Applications, pages 929-939. Springer, 2003.
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Robin Young.
Review of "Nonlinear hyperbolic waves in multi-dimensions", by
Phoolan Prasad.
SIAM Review, 45:162-164, 2003.
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Robin Young.
Blowup of solutions and boundary instabilities in nonlinear
hyperbolic equations.
Comm. Math. Sci., 2:269-292, 2003.
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Robin Young.
Blowup in hyperbolic conservation laws.
Contemp. Math., 327:379-387, 2003.
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H.K. Jenssen and R.C. Young.
Gradient driven and singular flux blowup of smooth solutions to
hyperbolic systems of conservation laws.
J. Hyp. Diff. Eq., 1:627-641, 2004.
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Robin Young and Walter Szeliga.
Blowup with small BV data in hyperbolic conservation laws.
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 179:31-54, 2006.
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W. Domanski and R. Young.
Interactions of plane waves in nonlinear elasticity.
Submitted, 27 pages, available at
http://www.math.umass.edu/~young/Research/misc/domanski.pdf, 2005.
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W. Domanski and R. Young.
Interaction coefficients for 3-D conservation laws.
In preparation.
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Robin Young.
Global wave interactions in isentropic gas dynamics.
Submitted, 47 pages, available at
http://www.math.ntnu.no/conservation/2008/032.html, 2008.
- [27]
Blake Temple and Robin Young.
A paradigm for time-periodic sound wave propagation in the
compressible Euler equations.
Submitted, 26 pages, available at
http://www.math.ntnu.no/conservation/2008/033.html, 2008.
- [28]
Blake Temple and Robin Young.
Time-periodic linearized solutions of the compressible Euler
equations and a problem of small divisors.
Submitted, 54 pages, available at
http://www.math.ntnu.no/conservation/2008/034.html, 2008.
- [29]
Blake Temple and Robin Young.
A Liapunov-Schmidt reduction for time-periodic solutions of the
compressible Euler equations.
Submitted, 40 pages, available at
http://www.math.ntnu.no/conservation/2008/035.html, 2008.
- [30]
Robin Young.
The vacuum in isentropic gas dynamics.
In preparation, 2008.
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Robin Young.
Modified front tracking for isentropic gas dynamics.
In preparation, 2008.
October, 2008
 | | Publications