Five College Number Theory Seminar Meetings 1998-99
Fall Semester
- Tuesday, Sept. 17, Organizational Meeting
- Thursday, Sept. 24 (4:00 p.m.), UMASS Math Colloquium (LGRT 1634),
Prof. Carl Pomerance, University of Georgia, "Smooth Numbers"
- Tuesday, Sept. 29 (4:00 p.m.), Amherst College Mathematics and Computer
Science Colloquium (Seeley Mudd 206), Dr. Rebecca Wright, AT&T
Labs, "Experimental Performance of Shared RSA Modulus Generation"
- Tuesday, Oct. 6, Prof. Jeff Achter, University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, "How to Deform an Abelian Variety"
- Tuesday, Oct. 20, Prof. David Hayes, University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, "Computing partial zeta-functions at s=0"
- Tuesday, Nov. 10, Sukaina Alarakhia (MHC, '99) and Tom Wexler
(Amherst, '00), "Weight Distributions of Minimal Cyclic Codes for p > 2"
- Tuesday, Nov. 17, Scott Ahlgren, Pennsylvania State University,
"Gaussian hypergeometric series, a modular variety, and the Apery number supercongruence"
- Tuesday, Dec. 1, Prof. Dorothy Wallace, Dartmouth College,
"Ergodic properties of induced flows on number theoretic manifolds and graphs"
- Tuesday, Dec. 8, Prof. Jordan Ellenberg, Princeton University,
"Hilbert modular forms and diophantine equations"
Spring Semester
- Tuesday, Feb. 2, Organizational Meeting
- Tuesday, Feb. 9 (4:00 p.m.), UMASS Computer Science Theory Seminar
(LGRC A339), William Hesse, University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, "Quantum Factoring: Shor's Algorithm"
- Tuesday, Feb. 16, Prof. Susan
Goldstine, McMaster University, "Spin representations of lattices"
- Thursday, Feb. 25 (2:30 p.m.), UMASS Candidate Talk (LGRT 1634), Prof.
Siman Wong, Brown University, "Automorphic Forms and Ideal Class Groups"
- Tuesday, Mar. 23, Prof. Cristian Popescu, University of Texas at
Austin, "L-functions, Curves, and Roots of Unity"
- Monday, Mar. 29 (7:00 p.m.), Undergraduate Connecticut Valley
Colloquium at Amherst College (Seeley Mudd 206), Prof. Barry Mazur, Harvard
"What did 16th century mathematicians think about when they thought about number?"
- Tuesday, Mar. 30, Prof. Barry Mazur, Harvard University,
"p-adic analytic variation of modular eigenforms"
- Tuesday, Apr. 6, Profs. Jeffrey Achter and Clifton Cunningham,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, "Counting Curves with Kottwitz"
- Thursday, Apr. 15 (4:00 p.m.), UMASS Math Colloquium (LGRT
1634), Prof. Helen Grundman, Bryn Mawr College, The Bunting Institute, and
Boston University, "Classification of Hilbert Modular Varieties"
- Tuesday, Apr. 27 (4:30 p.m.), Connecticut Valley Colloquium at Smith
((McConnell 404), Prof. John Coates,
University of Cambridge, "The mysteries of number
- Wednesday, Apr. 28 (7:00 p.m.), Undergraduate Connecticut Valley
Colloquium at Smith (McConnell 404), Prof. John Coates,
University of Cambridge, "The Oldest Unsolved Problem"
- Tuesday, May 4, Maura Murray,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, "Sign codes in number fields"
Webmaster: Joshua Holden