Five College Number Theory Seminar Meetings 1997-98
Fall Semester
- Tuesday, Sept. 9, Organizational Meeting
- Tuesday, Sept. 16, Prof. Mizan Khan, Eastern Connecticut State University, "Polygons Associated with Modular Arithmetic"
- Tuesday, Sept. 23, Prof. Joshua Holden, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, "On the Fontaine-Mazur Conjecture for Number Fields and an Analog for Function Fields"
- Tuesday, Sept. 30, Prof. Leanne Robertson, Smith College, "Power Bases for Cyclotomic Integer Rings"
- Tuesday, Oct. 7, Prof. Lisa Fastenberg, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, "Uniform Bounds on Integral Points on Curves"
- Tuesday, Oct. 21, Prof. Ravi Ramakrishna, Yale University, "Deforming an Even Galois Representation"
- Tuesday, Oct. 28, Prof. Chris Towse, Swarthmore College, "Weierstrass Points and Maps Between Curves"
- Wednesday, Nov. 5 (7:00 p.m.), Undergraduate Connecticut Valley Colloquium at Amherst College, Prof. Joseph Silverman, Brown University, "Taxicabs and Sums of Two Cubes: An Excursion in Number Theory"
- Thursday, Nov. 6 (4:30 p.m.), Connecticut Valley Colloquium at Amherst College, Prof. Joseph Silverman, Brown University, "Integer and Rational Points on Varieties"
- Tuesday, Nov. 11, Prof. Andreas Schweizer, McGill and Concordia Universities, "On Elliptic Curves over Function Fields of Characteristic Two"
- Tuesday, Nov. 18, Prof. Patricia Pacelli, Barnard College, "Uniform Bounds for Rational and Stably Integral Points"
- Tuesday, Nov. 25, Prof. Chantal David, Concordia University, "Vanishing of the Lang-Trotter Constants"
- Thursday, Dec. 4 (7:00 p.m.), Undergraduate Connecticut Valley Colloquium at Mount Holyoke, Prof. Alice Silverberg, Ohio State University and the Bunting Institute, "Fermat's Theorem and Elliptic Curves"
- Friday, Dec. 5 (4:30 p.m.), Connecticut Valley Colloquium at Mount Holyoke, Prof. Alice Silverberg, Ohio State University and the Bunting Institute, "Semistable Reduction of Abelian Varieties"
- Tuesday, Dec. 9, Prof. Anne Schwartz, Fairfield University, "Modular Forms, Hecke Operators, and the p-adics"
Spring Semester
- Tuesday, Feb. 3, Prof. Sharon Frechette, Wellesley College, "Hecke Structure of Spaces of Modular Forms"
- Tuesday, Feb. 10, Prof. David Cox, Amherst College, "Weber, Ramanujan and
Titanic Primes"
- Tuesday, Feb. 17, Matt Papanikolas, Brown University, "Canonical Heights in Characteristic p"
- Tuesday, Feb. 24, Rob Benedetto, Brown University, "p-adic Dynamics and Wandering Domains"
- Monday, Mar. 2 (11:05 a.m.), special FCNTS lecture at UMass (LGRT 1635),
Prof. Harold Stark, University of California, San
Diego, "Zeta Functions of Graphs"
- Monday, Mar. 2 (7:00 p.m.), Undergraduate Connecticut Valley
Colloquium at Smith, Prof. Harold Stark, University of California, San
Diego, "A Non-Euclidean Big Bang"
- Tuesday, Mar. 10, Prof. Cornelius Greither, L'Université Laval, "Class Groups of Number Fields and Fitting Ideals"
- Tuesday, Mar. 24, Prof. Ernst-Ulrich Gekeler, Univerität des
Saarlandes, "Pencils of Elliptic Curves in Characteristics 2 and 3"
- Tuesday, Mar. 31, no meeting
- Tuesday, Apr. 7, Prof. Audrey Terras, University of California at San Diego, "A Zoo of Trace Formulas"
- Tuesday, Apr. 14, Prof. Carl Pomerance, University of
Georgia, "Recent Developments in Primality Testing"
- Wednesday, Apr. 15 (7:00 p.m.), Undergraduate Connecticut Valley
Colloquium at UMass, Prof. Carl Pomerance, University of
Georgia, "Factoring Big Numbers"
- Tuesday, Apr. 21, Prof. Jennifer Beineke, Trinity College, "Renormalization of Certain Integrals Defining Triple Product L-functions"
- Tuesday, Apr. 28, Prof. Hershy Kisilevsky, Concordia University, "Determining L-functions by Twists"
- Tuesday, May 5, Prof. Masato Kuwata, Universite de Caen and Brown University, "On the Mordell-Weil Group of Elliptic Surfaces"
Last modified September 19, 1998 4:16 PM
Webmaster: Joshua Holden