Five College Number Theory Seminar Meetings 1997-98

(1) September 10, 1996, Organizational Meeting.

(2) September 24, 1996, Dr. Seon-In Kwon, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, ``Geometric Galois Module Structure.''

(3) October 1, 1996, Prof. David Hayes, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, ``Variations on a Theme of Armitage and Fröhlich.''

(4) October 8, 1996, Prof. Doug Ulmer, University of Arizona, ``L-series of Automorphic Forms over Function Fields.''

(5) October 22, 1996, Prof. Dick Gross, Harvard University, ``The Motive of a Reductive Group.''

(6) October 22, 1996, Undergraduate Connecticut Valley Colloquium at Mount Holyoke, Prof. Dick Gross, Harvard University, ``Archimedes' Calculation of tex2html_wrap_inline26 .''

(7) October 29, 1996, Dr. Mike Zieve, Brown University, ``Exceptional Covers: An Application of Monodromy in Characteristic p.''

(8) November 6, 1996, Undergraduate Connecticut Valley Colloquium at Amherst, Prof. Harold Edwards, New York University and the Courant Institute, ``How You Might Have Discovered Quadratic Reciprocity if Euler Hadn't Discovered It First.''

(9) November 19, 1996, Prof. Lisa Fastenberg, McGill University, ``Mordell-Weil Groups in Procyclic Extensions.''

(10) December 10, 1996, Prof. David Solomon, King's College, London, ``Cyclotomic Units, Cyclotomic Gauss Sums and Cyclotomic p-Units.''

(11) February 4, 1997, Organizational Meeting.

(12) February 11, 1997, Prof. David Dummit, Harvard University and the University of Vermont, ``Computations Related to Rubin's Version of the Abelian Stark Conjecture.''

(13) February 25, 1997, Prof. Fred Diamond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ``Liberating Deformations of Galois Representations.''

(14) March 3, 1997, Undergraduate Connecticut Valley Colloquium at Smith, Prof. Glenn Stevens, Boston University, ``Hyperbolic Tilings and Fermat's Last Theorem.''

(15) March 4, 1997, Prof. Glenn Stevens, Boston University, ``p-Adic Integration and Families of Modular Forms.''

(16) March 11, 1997, Prof. Giuliana Davidoff, Mount Holyoke College, ``A Generalization of Littlewood's Theorem.''

(17) March 25, 1997, Prof. Kamal Khuri-Makdisi, Harvard University, ``Representations of tex2html_wrap_inline34 , When tex2html_wrap_inline34 is Not Quite a Dual Pair.''

(18) April 15, 1997, Prof. Jiu-Kang Yu, Princeton University, ``Distribution of Class Groups in the Function Field Case.''

(19) April 22, 1997, Dr. Kristin Lauter, University of Michigan and the Max Planck Institut, Bonn, ``A Formula for Constructing Curves over Finite Fields.''

(20) April 23, 1997, Undergraduate Connecticut Valley Colloquium at UMass, Dr. Kristin Lauter, University of Michigan and the Max Planck Institut, Bonn, ``Mathematicians' Copntributions to Communications Technology.''

(21) April 29, 1997, Prof. Ed Burger, Williams College, ``Diophantine Approximation: Some thoughts on old number and new spectra.''

Mon Nov 17 15:10:19 EST 1997