During the Fall term 2019 we will work on Manolescu's paper "Lectures on the Triangulation conjecture"
We will meet on Fridays 11am - 12pm in RLM 8.136
We will follow these references:
Here you can find some notes on the seminar, courtesy of Jackson Van Dyke
Here you can find the notes of my talk about the Conley Index
Provisional Schedule:
August 30 - Arun
Organisational meeting
September 13 - Charlie
Overview and background material:
[M], [DHST]
September 20 Will
Reduction of the problem to an homology cobordism one
September 27 Leon
Seiberg-Witten equations, finite dimensional approximation
October 4 Riccardo
Finite dimensional approximation (cont.) and Conley Index
[M], [M03], [M16]
October 11 Ricky
Pin_2- equivariance of SWF homotopy type
October 18 Jackson
Definition of the homology cobordism invariants
October 25 Arun
Equivariant Spanier-Whitehead duality
November 1
November 8 Jonathan
Involutive HF homology Part 1
November 15 Kai
Involutive HF homology Part 2
November 22 Leon
Proof of the main theorem