Learning Seminar: Floer Homology and Fukaya categories

During the Spring term 2019 we will learn the basics of Lagrangian Floer Homology and Fukaya categories. This seminar is organised by Ricky Wedeen and Riccardo Pedrotti.


We will meet on Fridays 11am - 12pm in RLM 10.176


We will follow these references:


Planning meeting and overview
Riccardo, Ricky - January 23

Overview of the construction and Elliptic theory: [A] par 1.2, [P] chapters 9,10
Rok, Ricky - February 1

Fredholm theory and transversality: [A] par 1.4, [P] chapters 11, 12 (as far as you can get)
Cameron - February 8

Maslov index: [A] par 1.3, [P] chapters 12 (remaining), 13
Kenny - February 15

Gromov compactness of Moduli spaces: [A] par 1.4, [P] chapter 14
Riccardo - February 22

HF and the Arnold's conjecture: [A] par 1.5, 1.6, [P] chapters 9,16
Kai - March 1

Product operations: [A] par 2.1, [S], [P] chapter 20
Sebastian - March 8

A ∞ categories and derived categories part 1: [A] par 2.2, [S]
Cameron - March 15

A ∞ categories and derived categories part 2: [A] par 2.2, [S]
Leon - March 29

Absolute grading of the Floer Complex: [S2]
Riccardo - April 5

Exact Triangle and twisted complexes: [A] par 3.1,3.2
Charlie, Cameron - April 12

Exact Triangle in the Fukaya category: [A] par 3.3
Cameron - April 19

Generators and the Yoneda embedding: [A] par 3.4
Ricky - April 26

Leon - May 3

Cameron - May 10