Instructions for Purchasing & Returning Equipment

Instructions for Purchase Requests

To purchase equipment, requestors can either send us a link of the exact system they want (must be from one of the UMass-approved vendors listed below) or request our help in finding equipment that will suit their needs. We will then follow up with price quotes.

When you are ready to submit an equipment order, the request MUST include:

  • Name of Purchaser
  • Funding Source
  • Item link or description
  • Shipping address (home or campus)

All requests must be sent to Equipment requests missing any of the information listed above will be returned.

List of University-Approved Vendors

Non-Tagged Equipment: University Tagged Equipment Vendors:

Instructions for Returning Equipment

All systems with a UMA tag are university property (including those purchased by faculty) and need to be returned before leaving the university. You should also return any old systems (with UMA tags) that you are no longer using.

Procedure for Returning a University-Owned Device to RCF

  1. Back up any data you wish to keep:
  2. Sign out of your Apple ID and iCloud services (Macs/iPads) or Microsoft Account (Windows):
  3. Sign out of / deactivate any licensed software (Adobe, Camtasia, Matlab, etc)
  4. Restore your device to factory settings:
  5. Clear any passwords set in the bios (if applicable)
  6. CLEAN your device! (If you don't, someone from RCF will have to! Please don't make us scrub your grime off of your keyboard...)
  7. Email to schedule a time to drop off your device with RCF