Math 324 - Sections C and D - Fall 2014

University of Washington, Seattle
MWF 11:30-12:20 in MOR 234 for section C
MWF 12:30-1:20PM in EEB 037 for section D
Midterm 1: Friday 10/17
Midterm 2: Monday 11/17
Final for section C: 12/10 from 2:30PM to 4:20PM
Final for section D: 12/11 from 8:30AM to 10:20AM

Dr. Annie Raymond,
PDL C432

Office hours:
Monday and Wednesday from 10:00AM to 11:00AM in PDL C432
You can also attend the office hours of Christian Rudnick.
If you can't make it then, email me for an appointment.

Course structure:
Course syllabus
Tentative schedule

Textbook and WebAssign