Math 563 - Introduction to Differential Geometry - Spring 99
Time and place: 1535 LGRT (The GANG LAB) Tu, Th, 1:00 - 2:15pm
Instructor: Eyal Markman
Office: LGRT 1544
Office Phone: 545-2788
Course Web page: markman/
Office hours: Tues 4 5pm, Th 3 4pm, and by appointment.
Text: Differential Geometry of curves and surfaces, by do Carmo, Prentice Hall 1976.
Ch 1: Sec 1.1 1.5 (Samples from Sec. 1.7 as time permits)
Ch 2: Sec 2.1 2.5,
Ch 3: Sec 3.1 3.3
Ch 4: Sec 4.1 4.5 (Section 4.6 if time permits)
Ch 5: Sec 5.3, 5.4 (if time permits)
Homework : Will be assigned weekly and will be due each Thursday unless otherwise mentioned. Students find the problems in the text interesting and challenging. You are encouraged to work in groups of two or three (but not larger). Each group should hand in one common paper.
Final Exam -30%
Midterm: Thursday March 11, 6 to 8pm in LGRT 101.
Final: Tuesday May 18 at 8am in LGRT 1322 (Date may be changed upon agreement of all students in class)