Instructor: Eyal Markman
Office: LGRT 1544
Office Phone: 545-2788
Course Web page: markman/ Please check it often!
Office hours: Tues 4 5pm, Th 3 4pm, and by appointment.
Text: Linear Algebra and its applications, 2-th Edition, by David C. Lay,, Addison-Wesley
Ch 1: Sec 1.1 1.8 (Samples from Sec. 1.9 as time permits)
Ch 2: Sec 2.1 2.5, (Samples from Sec. 2.7 and 2.8 as time permits)
Ch 3: Sec 3.1 3.3
Ch 4: Sec 4.1 4.7 (Samples from Sec. 4.9 as time permits)
Ch 5: Sec 5.1 5.5 (Samples from Sec. 5.7 as time permits)
Ch 6: Sec. 6.1 6.5 (Samples from Sec. 6.6 as time permits)
Ch 7: Sec 7.1 and 7.2
Homework : Will be assigned weekly and will be due each Thursday unless otherwise mentioned.
Homework, Quizzes & Class participation-20%
Two Midterms-50% (each 25%)
Final Exam -30%
First Midterm: Tuesday March 2 during class period.
Second Midterm: Tuesday, April 13 during class period.
Review for Second Midterm: Monday, April 12 (evening) 6 to 8pm in LGRT 101
Final: Wed, May 19 at 8AM in LGRT 321