Math 235 Sections 1 and 2 - Introduction to Linear Algebra - Fall 2000
Section 1: TuTh 1:00 2:15 LGRT 117
Section 2: TuTh 9:30 10:45 LGRT 117
Instructor: Eyal Markman
Office: LGRT 1544
Office Phone: 545-2788
Course Web page: markman/
Please check it often!
Office hours:
Tuesday 3 4pm,
Wednessday 3
Thursday 11 am
12:40 pm,
and by appointment.
Text: Linear Algebra and its applications, 2-th Edition, by David C. Lay,, Addison-Wesley
Ch 1: Sec 1.1 1.8, Samples from Sec. 1.9 as time permits
Ch 2: Sec 2.1 2.5, Samples from Sec. 2.7 and 2.8 as time permits
Ch 3: Sec 3.1 3.3
Ch 4: Sec 4.1 4.7, Samples from Sec. 4.9 as time permits
Ch 5: Sec 5.1 5.5, Samples from Sec. 5.7 as time permits
Ch 6: Sec. 6.1 6.6
Ch 7: Sec 7.1 and 7.2
Homework: Will be assigned weekly and will be due each Thursday, unless mentioned otherwise. The homework will be graded by a special grader. Due to lack of funds, it will not be possible to grade all the homework problems assigned. A few of the homework problems will be corrected and graded every week. Nevertheless, for your own benefit, you will be asked to hand in all the homework problems assigned. Your grade on each homework assignment will be calculated as follows:
Homework and Class participation-20%
Two Midterms-50% (each 25%)
Final Exam -30%
Calculators Policy: Calculators will not be allowed in the exams. A few in-class demonstrations will involve the graphing calculator TI-86. You may use calculators (e.g. TI-85 and TI-86) to check your homework solutions, but credit will be given only for answers showing all your steps (unless mentioned otherwise in the assignment).