Math131 Calculus I - Fall 2017
Meetings: TuTh 2:30pm - 3:45pm in LGRT 143.
Office hours: Wednesdays and Fridays 1pm - 2pm in LGRT 1435I.
TA office hours: Monday 3 - 4 pm, Wednesday 4 - 5pm in LGRT 1325.
Discussions: Mondays 1:25pm - 2:15pm in LGRT 145.
Course-wide webpage
2 mid terms: 50%
Final exam: 30%
Webassign homework: 10%
Quizzes: 10%
Mid-term 1: Oct 4, 7 - 9pm. Location: HASA 0020. Bring your UMass ID, calculators are allowed, no cheat sheets. See old exams:
Fall 2016
Fall 2015
Mid-term 2: Nov 13, 7pm - 9pm. Examinable material: §§ 3.1 - 3.10, 4.1, 4.2. Location: TBA.
Bring your UMass ID. Calculators are not allowed, no cheat sheets or notes. See old exams:
Fall 2016
Fall 2015
Final exam: Dec 15, 1pm - 3pm. Location: Totman gym.
Bring your UMass ID; calculators are allowed, no cheat sheets or notes. See old exams:
Fall 2016
Fall 2015
Fall 2014
Fall 2013
Sept 5, 7: §§ 2.1, 2.2. Do exercises:
3, 8 in §2.1,
7,8,12, 31,40, 44 in §2.2.
It is useful to look at examples 4 on page 86 and 9 on page 91. Also read the handout equations of lines.
Sept 12, 14: §§ 2.3 - 2.5. Do exercises:
12, 14, 18, 21, 25, 26, 30 in §2.3,
1 - 4, 20 in §2.4,
26, 34, 38, 40, 55,56 in §2.5.
Sept 19, 21: §§ 2.6 - 2.8. (2.6 was done on Sept 14.) Do exercises:
§ 2.6: 16, 18, 20, 28, 32, 38, 36, 40, 42, example 4 in p. 130,
§ 2.7: 6, 16, 20, 52,
§ 2.8: 22, 24, 26, 28,
Review section (p. 167): 3, 4, 6, 12, 14, 20, 25, 26, 30, 34, 39.
Sept 26, 28: §§ 3.1 - 3.3. Do exercises:
§ 3.1: 3 - 36, 50, 56, 60, 61, 67, 71, 72
§ 3.2: 3 - 34, 41, 42, 48
§ 3.3: 1 - 24, 39 - 52
Oct 3, 5: Review, §§ 3.4 - 3.6. Do exercises:
§ 3.4: 7-54, 68, 70, 75, 76, 85, 86.
Oct 12: § 3.8. Do exercises:
§ 3.5: 25 - 32, 44, 45, 64,
§ 3.6: 27 - 30, 42, 44, 50, 51,
Example sheet 1. (Important for Thursday.)
Oct 17, 19: Maximum and minimum values.
Example sheet 2.
Oct 24, 26: Mean value theorem, graph sketching.
Example sheet 3.
Oct 31, Nov 02: Optimization problems, Antiderivatives.
Example sheet 4.
Nov 07, Nov 09: Reviews.
Example sheet 5.
Nov 28, Nov 30: Riemann sums, definite integrals.