[1] 1979 On asymptotic optimality of likelihood ratio tests for
    multivariate normal distributions. Annals of Statistics, 7, 592-598.
[2] 1979 Exact Bahadur efficiencies for tests of the multivariate
    linear hypotheses.  Annals of Statistics, 7, 1231-1245.
[3] 1979 On multivariate extension of Sukhatme-Perng-Littell test. 
     Communications in Statistics, A-8, 471-475.
[4] 1980 Letter to the Editor (On testing one-sided alternative 
    of shift parameters of two exponential distributions). Technometrics, 22, 284.
[5] 1981 A review of modern statistics. Science Monthly, 12, No. 6, 63-64 (Chinese).
[6] 1981 On quality control circle movement. Central Daily News, a special column,
    July 19, page 2: Chinese.
[7] 1981 Chinese tally mark. American Statistician, 35, 174.
[8] 1981 On testing the equality of two exponential distributions.
    Technometrics, 22, 265-269.
[9] 1981 On estimating the mean of a selected population 
    with unknown variance. Communications in Statistics, A-10, 1869-1878.
[10] 1981 The nature and practice of statistical sampling. 
     Science Monthly, 12, No. 11, 60-64; Chinese.
[11] 1983 The importance of identifying reliability models. 
     Quality Control Journal, 19, 212-215 (Chinese}.
[12] 1983 Estimation and identification of Freund's bivariate life  distribution 
     from Type I censored data. (with C.T. Shih)  Tech. Report B-83-10,
     Institute of Statistics, Academia Sinica, ROC, 1-19.
[13] 1983 Accuracy of the Blum-Kiefer-Rosenblatt approximation for tests of
     independence. J. of the Chinese Statist. Assoc., 21, 
     Special English issue, 83-88.
[14] 1984 The measurement of writing skill: some problems and a
     probable solution. (with Dr.S.M. DeShields, and D.Frost)
     Educational and Psychological Measurement, 44, 101-112.
[15] 1984 Nonparametric tests for scale shift at an unknown time point.
     Communications in Statistics, A-13, 1335-1351.
[16] 1985 Simple nonparametric tests for a known standard survival based on 
     censored data. (with C. Gatsonis and R. Korwar). 
     Communications in Statistics, A-14, 2137-2162.
[17] 1985 A test for comparing a failure rate with a known standard using
     censored data.  J.of the Chinese Statist. Assoc., 
     once 2-year    English issue, 23, 103-118.
[18] 1986 An exact test for comparing location parameters of k exponential 
     distributions with unequal scales based on Type II censored data.
     Technometrics, 28, 157-164.
[19] 1986 Economic selection of quality for product with log-gamma  distribution.
     Invited and Contributed Papers, International Statistical Symposium,
     Taipei, ROC, 3, 1527-1541.
[20] 1987 Multiple comparisons of guarantee times for exponential distributions
      based on type-II censored data. Selected Papers on Quality Control(in English),
      Chinese Society for Quality Control, 6, 51-62.
[21] 1987 Survey of Soviet work in reliability (with A. Rukhin). 
      Statistical Science, 2, 484-503.
[22] 1988 Savage test. Invited entry,
      Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Vol. 8, Editors: S.Kotz and 
      N.L.Johnson, Wiley, 267-270.
[23] 1988 Schafer-Sheffield test. Invited entry,
      Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Vol. 8, Editors: S.Kotz and N.L.Johnson,
      Wiley, 285-286.
[24] 1988 Taha test. Invited entry,
     Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Vol. 9, Editors: S. Kotz and N.L. Johnson,
     Wiley, 167-169.
[25] 1988 Thoman-Bain test. Invited entry,
     Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Vol. 9, Editors: S. Kotz and N.L. Johnson,
     Wiley, 228-229.
[26] 1988 Survey on the inverse Gaussian distribution and its applications.
     Selected Papers on Quality Control (in English), Chinese Society 
     for Quality Control, 7, 75-95.
[27] 1989 A probabilistic comparison of two confidence regions.
     Selected Papers on Quality Control (in English), Chinese Society for Quality
     Control, 8, 83-88.
[28] 1990 Inadmissibility of the maximum likelihood estimator of 
     the inverse Gaussian mean. (with R. Korwar and A. Rukhin), 
     Statistics and Probability Letters, 9, 83-90.
[29] 1990 Estimating the critical time of the inverse Gaussian hazard function. 
     IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 39, 342-345.
[30] 1990 Inferences on the coefficient of variation of an inverse Gaussian
     distribution.  Communications in Statistics, A-19, 1589-1605.
[31] 1990 Inadmissibility of the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator
     of the inverse Gaussian variance. (with R. Korwar). Communications in Statistics,
     A-19, 2509-2516.
[32] 1992 Prediction lower limit for the lifetime of  a k out of m 
     system. (with K.M. Wang). Quality Control Journal, Chinese Society
     for Quality Control, 28, No. 6, June, 488--503.
[33] 1994 Accelerated life test sampling plans for exponential
     distributions. Commu. in Statistics: Simu. and Computation.}, 23(1), 27--41.  
[34] 1994  Average  type-II censoring times for the 2-parameter
     Weibull distribution. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, March, 43(1), 91--96.
[35] 1994  The life of a statistician and management guru, Dr. W.E. Deming.
     Quality Control Journal, Chinese Society
     for Quality Control, 30, No.~11, November, 911--920.
[36] 1996 Prediction intervals for Weibull observations, based on 
     early-falure data. IEEE Trans. on Reliability, 45(4), 666-670.
[37] 1997 Chinese Language Version of "The Penquin Dictionary
     of Mathematics" (original authors: J. Daintith and R.D. Nelson; publisher:
      Penquin Books Ltd., 1989), with Professor Min-King Eie of National Chung
     Cheng University as co-translator, Newton Publishing Co., Taiwan, 394
[38] 1997 Prediction intervals for Weibull order statistics. 
     Statistica Sinica, 7(4), 1039--1051.

[39] 2004 A proof for a continuity property of positive definite matrices. 
     Presented at the ICSA 2002 Applied Statistics Symposium,  Philadelphia,
      June 2002. Published in Journal of Probability and Statistical Science.
     2(2), 263-265, Aug. 2004.  

[40] 2001 Statistical Inferences for Weibull Reliabilities Based on  Type-II
     Censored Data. 18 typed pages. To appear in Journal of Data Science.


[41] Comparisons of two exponential distributions using accelerated data. 
[42] Prediction intervals to contain at least k out of n future
[43] On efficiency of the Ebrahimi estimator under right censorship. 

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