Introduction to Abstract Algebra I (Math 411) Textbook Sections

Section 0. Sets and Induction

Section 1. Binary Operations

Section 2. Groups

Section 3. Fundamental Theorems about Groups

Section 4. Powers of an Element; Cyclic Groups

Section 5. Subgroups

Section 6. Direct Products

Section 7. Functions

Section 8. Symmetric Groups

Section 9. Equivalence Relations; Cosets

Section 10. Counting the Elements of a Finite Group

Section 11. Normal Subgroups

Section 12. Homomorphisms

Section 13. Homomorphisms and Normal Subgroups

Section 14. Direct Products and Finite Abelian Groups

Section 15. Sylow Theorems

Section 16. Rings

Section 17. Subrings, Ideals, and Quotient Rings

Section 18. Ring Homomorphisms

Section 19. Polynomials

Section 20. From Polynomials to Fields

Section 21. Unique Factorization Domains

Section 22. Extensions of Fields

Section 23. Constructions with Straightedge and Compass

Section 24. Normal and Separable Extensions

Section 25. Galois Theory

Section 26. Solvability