Algebra II (Math 612)

This is the course website for Algebra II (Math 612). All course information, including contact information, the syllabus, and homework assignments, will be given out via this website. We do have a Moodle page (see the link below), but it will be used for nothing except submission of the take-home midterm. All the course information is here.


The midterm will cover the sections in Chapter 13.

The exam will be emailed to you by noon on Wednesday 22 March and will be due on Moodle by 11:59pm Sunday 26 March. More instructions for the exam will be given later. (The main thing you need to know is that each problem needs to be submitted separately, so you will want to write them up separately).

Because of a departmental event, office hours Tuesday 21 March will be moved to Wednesday 22 March 7–8 pm.

Office Hours

Mondays 6–7pm, Tuesdays 7–8pm. Office hours will be held by Zoom. An invitation will be sent to the email address listed in SPIRE.

Problem Sets