Erin Conlon
- Wei, Z., Kim, D., Conlon, E.M. (2022)
A Bayesian approach to the analysis of asymmetric association for two-way contingency tables.
Computational Statistics, 37, 1311-1338.
journal link
- Wei, Z., Conlon, E.M., Wang, T. (2021)
Asymmetric dependence in the stochastic frontier model using skew normal copula.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 128, 56-68.
journal link
- Wei, Z., Conlon, E.M. (2019)
Parallel Markov chain Monte Carlo for Bayesian hierarchical models with big data, in two stages.
Journal of Applied Statistics, 46, 1917-1936.
journal link
- Gregory, K.J., Roberts, A.L., Conlon, E.M. et al. (2019)
Gene expression signature of atypical breast hyperplasia and regulation by SFRP1.
Breast Cancer Research, 21(1), 76.
journal link
- Pold, G., Conlon, E.M., Huntemann, M. et al. (2018)
Genome sequence of Verrucomicrobium sp. strain GAS474, a novel bacterium isolated from soil.
Genome Announcements, 6, e01451-17.
journal link
- Wei, Z., Wang, X., Conlon, E.M. (2017)
Parallel Markov chain Monte Carlo for Bayesian dynamic item response models in educational testing.
Stat, 6, 420-433.
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- Miroshnikov, A., Wei, Z., Conlon, E.M. (2015)
Parallel Markov chain Monte Carlo for non-Gaussian posterior distributions.
Stat, 4, 304-319. journal link
- Miroshnikov, A., Conlon, E.M. (2014)
parallelMCMCcombine: An R package for Bayesian methods for big data and
PLOS ONE, 9(9), e108425.
journal link
- Conlon, E.M., Postier, B.L.,
Methe, B.A., Nevin, K.P., Lovley, D.R. (2012)
A Bayesian model for pooling gene expression studies that
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PLOS ONE, 7(12), e52137.
journal link
- Conlon, E.M., Song, J.J. (2012)
Bayesian Computational Methods for Meta-Analysis of Gene Expression Studies.
In, Probability: Interpretation, Theory and Applications,
Y.S. Shmaliy ed., Nova Science Publishers, pp. 245-268.
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Methe, B.A., Nevin, K.P., Lovley, D.R. (2009) Hierarchical Bayesian
meta-analysis models for cross-platform microarray studies.
Journal of Applied Statistics, 36, 1067-1085.
journal link
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A Bayesian mixture model for metaanalysis of microarray studies.
Functional and Integrative Genomics, 8, 43-53.
journal link
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journal link
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The Program of Gene Transcription for a Single Differentiating Cell Type during Sporulation in Bacillus subtilis.
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- Conlon, E.M., Goode, E.L., Gibbs, M., Stanford, J.L.,
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- Chapman, N.H., Leutenegger, A.-L., Badzioch, M., Bogdan, M.,
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Wijsman, E.M., Thompson, E.A. (2001) The importance of
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Genetic Epidemiology, 21, Suppl 1, S230-235.
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Badzioch, M., Janer, M., Kolb, S., Hood, L., Ostrander, E.A.,
Jarvik, G.P., Wijsman, E.M. (2000) Markov chain Monte Carlo
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Jarvik, G.P., Wijsman, E.M. (2000) Oligogenic segregation
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(1999) Bayesian models for spatially correlated disease and exposure
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- Mugglin, A.S., Carlin, B.P., Zhu, L., Conlon, E. (1999)
Bayesian areal interpolation, estimation, and smoothing: an inferential
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Comparison of treatments for
otitis media using multiple diagnostic methods. In,
IMA Volumes in Mathematics
and its Applications, Diagnosis and Prediction, Volume 114,
S. Geisser ed., Springer-Verlag, pp. 1-6.