These notes should be seen as a companion to [8], where the
algebraicity of the loci of Hodge classes is proven without
appealing to the Hodge conjecture. We give explicit
detailed proofs in the case of variations of Hodge structures
over curves and surfaces which, we hope, help clarify the
arguments in [8], as well as some generalizations,
consequences and conjectures based on those results.
E. Cattani, F. El Zein, P. A. Griffiths, and L. D. Trang (eds).
Hodge Theory. Mathematical Notes 49.
Princeton University Press, 2013.
Abstract. The mixed discriminant of n
Laurent polynomials in n variables is the irreducible polynomial
in the coefficients which vanishes whenever two of the roots
coincide. The Cayley trick expresses the mixed discriminant as
an A-discriminant. We show that the degree of the mixed
discriminant is a piecewise linear function in the Plucker
coordinates of a mixed Grassmannian. An explicit degree formula
is given for the case of plane curves.
Abstract. We describe the structure of
all codimension-two lattice configurations A which admit a
stable rationalA-hypergeometric function, that is a rational
function Fall whose partial derivatives are non zero, and which
is a solutionof the A-hypergeometric system of partial
differential equations defined by Gel'fand, Kapranov and
Zelevinsky. We show, moreover, that all stable rational
A-hypergeometric functions may be described by toric residues
and apply our results to study the rationality of bivariate
series whose coefficients are quotients of factorials of linear
Abstract. By analyzing the local and
infinitesimal behavior of degenerating polarized variations of
Hodge structure the notion of ifinitesimal variation of Hodge
structure (IVHS) at infinity is introduced. It is shown that all
such structures can be integrated to polarized variations of
Hodge structure and that, conversely, all are limits of
infinitesimal variations of Hodge structure at finite points. As
an illustration of the rich information encoded in this new
structure, some instances of the maximal dimension problem
for this type of infinitesimal variation are presented and
contrasted with the "classical" case of IVHS at finite points.
Abstract. The Hard Lefschetz Theorem (HLT)
and the Hodge-Riemann bilinear relations (HRR) hold in various
contexts: they impose restrictions on the cohomology algebra of
a smooth compact Kähler manifold; they restrict the local
monodromy of a polarized variation of Hodge structure; they
impose conditions on the f-vectors of convex
polytopes. While the statements of these theorems depend
on the choice of a Kähler class, or its analog, there is
usually a cone of possible choices. It is then natural to
ask whether the HLT and HRR remain true in a mixed
context. In this note we present a unified approach to
proving the mixed HLT and HRR, generalizing the known results,
and proving it in new cases such as the intersection cohomology
of non-rational polytopes.
Abstract. We study the $A$-discriminant
of toric varieties. We reduce its computation to the case of
irreducible configurations and describe its behavior under
specialization of some of the variables to zero. We prove a Gale
dual characterization of dual defect toric varieties and deduce
from it the classsification of such varieties in codimension
less than or equal to four. This classification motivates a
decomposition theorem which yields a sufficient condition for a
toric variety to be dual defect. For codimension less than or
equal to four, this condition is also necessary and we expect
this to be the case in general.
Abstract. We show that the problem of
counting the total number of affine solutions (with and without
multiplicities) of a system of n binomials in n variables is
#P-hard. We use commutative algebra tools to reduce the study of
these solutions to a combinatorial problem on a graph associated
to the exponents occurring in the given binomials.
Abstract. We present examples which
show that in dimension higher than one or codimension higher
than two, there exist toric ideals $I_A$ such that no binomial
ideal contained in $I_A$ and of the same dimension, is a
complete intersection. This result has important implications in
sparse elimination theory and in the study of the Horn system of
partial differential equations.
Abstract. These are the lecture notes for a
mini-course on Hypergeometric Functions at the 2006 ElENA (El
Encuentro Nacional de Algebra) meeting in Cordoba, Argentina. We
study multivariate hypergeometric functions in the sense of
Gel'fand, Kapranov, and Zelevinsky (GKZ systems). These
functions generalize the classical hypergeometric functions of
Gauss, Horn, Appell, and Lauricella. Throughout we emphasize the
algebraic methods of Saito, Sturmfels, and Takayama to construct
hypergeometric series and the connection with deformation
techniques in commutative algebra. We end with a brief
discussion of the classification problem for rational
hypergeometric functions.
E. Cattani, A.
Dickenstein , Introduction
Residues and Resultants. Chapter 1 in:
A.Dickenstein, I.Z.Emiris (Eds.): Solving Polynomial Equations:
Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications. Algorithms and
Computation in Mathematics 14, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
Abstract. We present an elementary
introduction to residues and resultants and outline some of
their multivariate generalizations.
Throughout we emphasize the application of these ideas to
polynomial system solving.
Abstract. We introduce a notion of balanced
configurations of vectors. This is motivated by the study of
rational A-hypergeometric functions in the sense of Gelfand,
Kapranov and Zelevinsky. We classify balanced configurations of
seven plane vectors up to GL(2,R) equivalence and deduce that
the only gkz-rational toric four-folds in complex projective
space P^6 are those varieties associated with an essential
Cayley configuration. In this case, we study a suitable
hyperplane arrangement and show that all rational
A-hypergeometric functions may be described in terms of toric
Abstract. We exhibit a direct correspondence
between the potential defining the $H^{1,1}$ small quantum
module structure on the cohomology of a Calabi-Yau manifold and
the asymptotic data of the A-model variation of Hodge structure.
This is done in the abstract context of polarized variations of
Hodge structure and Frobenius modules.
Abstract. Assuming suitable convergence
properties for the Gromov-Witten potential of a Calabi-Yau
manifold $X$ one may construct a polarized variation of Hodge
structure over the complexified Kaehler cone of $X$. In this
paper we show that, in the case of fourfolds, there is a
correspondence between ``quantum potentials'' and polarized
variations of Hodge structures that degenerate to a maximally
unipotent boundary point. Under this correspondence, the WDVV
equations are seen to be equivalent to the Griffiths'
trasversality property of a variation of Hodge structure.
Abstract. A binomial residue is a rational
function defined by a hypergeometric integral whose kernel is
singular along binomial divisors. Binomial residues provide an
integral representation for rational solutions of
A-hypergeometric systems of Lawrence type. The space of binomial
residues of a given degree, modulo those which are polynomial in
some variable, has dimension equal to the Euler characteristic
of the matroid associated with A.
Abstract. Multivariate hypergeometric
functions associated with toric varieties were introduced by
Gel'fand, Kapranov and Zelevinsky. Singularities of such
functions are discriminants, that is, divisors projectively dual
to torus orbit closures. We show that most of these potential
denominators never appear in rational hypergeometric functions.
We conjecture that the denominator of any rational
hypergeometric function is a product of resultants, that is, a
product of special discriminants arising from Cayley
configurations. This conjecture is proved for toric
hypersurfaces and for toric varieties of dimension at most
three. Toric residues are applied to show that every toric
resultant appears in the denominator of some rational
hypergeometric function.
Abstract. We make a detailed analysis of the
A-hypergeometric system (or GKZ system) associated with a
monomial curve and integral, hence resonant, exponents. We
characterize the Laurent polynomial solutions and show that
these are the only rational solutions. We also show that for any
exponent, there are at most two linearly independent Laurent
solutions, and that the upper bound is reached if and only if
the curve is not arithmetically Cohen--Macaulay. We then
construct, for all integral parameters, a basis of local
solutions in terms of the roots of the generic univariate
polynomial associated with A. We determine the holonomic rank r
for all integral exponents and show that it is constantly equal
to the degree d of X if and only if X is arithmetically
Abstract. Resultants, Jacobians and residues
are basic invariants of multivariate polynomial systems. We
examine their interrelations in the context of toric geometry.
The global residue in the torus, studied by Khovanskii, is the
sum over local Grothendieck residues at the zeros of $n$ Laurent
polynomials in $n$ variables. Cox introduced the related notion
of the toric residue relative to $n+1$ divisors on an
$n$-dimensional toric variety. We establish denominator formulas
in terms of sparse resultants for both the toric residue and the
global residue in the torus. A byproduct is a determinantal
formula for resultants based on Jacobians.
Abstract. We study the total sum of
Grothendieck residues of a Laurent polynomial relative to a
family $f_1,\dots,f_n$ of sparse Laurent polynomials in
$n$-variables with a finite number of common zeroes in the torus
$T = (C^*)^n$. Under appropriate assumptions, we may embed $T$
in a toric variety $X$ in such a way that the total residue may
be computed by a global object in $X$, the toric residue. This
yields a description of some of its properties and new symbolic
algorithms for its computation.
Abstract. We study residues on a complete
toric variety X, which are defined in terms of the homogeneous
coordinate ring of X. We first prove a global transformation law
for toric residues. When the fan of the toric variety has a
simplicial cone of maximal dimension, we can produce an element
with toric residue equal to 1. We also show that in certain
situations, the toric residue is an isomorphism on an
appropriate graded piece of the quotient ring. When X is
simplicial, we prove that the toric residue is a sum of local
residues. In the case of equal degrees, we also show how to
represent X as a quotient (Y-{0})/C* such that the toric residue
becomes the local residue at 0 in Y.
Abstract. Given n polynomials in n variables
with a finite number of complex roots, for any of their roots
there is a local residue operator assigning a complex number to
any polynomial. This is an algebraic, but generally not
rational, function of the coefficients. On the other hand, the
global residue, which is the sum of the local residues over all
roots, depends rationally on the coefficients. This paper deals
with symbolic algorithms for evaluating that rational function.
Under the assumption that the deformation to the initial forms
is flat, for some choice of weights on the variables, we express
the global residue as a single residue integral with respect to
the initial forms. When the input equations are a Groebner
basis, this leads to an efficient series expansion algorithm for
global residues, and to a vanishing theorem with respect to the
corresponding cone in the Groebner fan. The global residue of a
polynomial equals the highest coefficient of its (Groebner
basis) normal form, and, conversely, the entire normal form is
expressed in terms of global residues. This yields a method for
evaluating traces over zero-dimensional complete intersections.
Applications include the counting of real roots, the computation
of the degree of a polynomial map, and the evaluation of
multivariate symmetric functions. All algorithms are illustrated
for an explicit system in three variables.
E. Cattani, P. Deligne and A. Kaplan, On the
Locus of Hodge Classes, Journal of the American
Mathematical Society,8, 483-506, 1995. Published
version available from JSTOR.
Abstract. Let $f: X \rightarrow S$ be a
family of non singular projective varieties parametrized by a
complex algebraic variety $S$. Fix $s \in S$, an integer $p$,
and a class $h \in {\rm H}^{2p}(X_s,\Z)$ of Hodge type $(p,p)$.
We show that the locus, on $S$, where $h$ remains of type
$(p,p)$ is algebraic. This result, which in the geometric case
would follow from the rational Hodge conjecture, is obtained in
the setting of variations of Hodge structures.