Calculus 131 Instructors
This page will be updated periodically if rooms change. Due to problems
please check the room assignments on the course list posted in the first
floor of LGRT. Please report any mistakes to me by email.
- Section 1:
Jennie D'Ambroise , 10:10-11:15 MWF, LGRT 113 .
Rec: Andrew Hearin 8:25-9:15 W, LGRT 113
- Section 2: Joules Nahas, 11:15-12:05 MWF, LGRT 115 .
Rec: Amit Datta, 11:15-12:05 Th, LGRT 115 .
- Section 3:
Katrin Leschke , 1:25-2:15 MWF, LGRT 321 .
Rec: Andrew Hearin, 2:30-3:20 Tu, LGRT 101 .
- Section 4:
Katrin Leschke , 1:25-2:15 MWF, LGRT 321.
Rec: Andrew Hearin, 4:00-4:50 Tu, LGRT 117 .
- Section 5:
Luc Rey-Bellet , 9:30-10:45 TuTh, LGRT 321 .
Rec: Jacob Gagnon, 9:05-9:55 M, LGRT 115 .
- Section 6: Luc Rey-Bellet , 9:30-10:45 TuTh, LGRT 321.
Rec: Jacob Gagnon, 12:20-1:10 M, LGRT 125 .
- Section 7: Max Sklar , 11:15-12:30 TuTh, LGR A203 .
Rec: Jacob Gagnon, 10:00-11:00 W, LGRT 323 .
- Section 8:
Hans Johnston , 1:00-2:15 TuTh, LGRT 202
Rec:Amit Datta, 1:25-2:15 W, LGRT 111 .
Calculus 131 course page