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Math 621 Homework Assignment 4 Spring 2000

Due: Thursday, March 23

  1. Use Green's Theorem to prove a weaker version of Cauchy-Goursat's Theorem for a rectangle:

    Let f be a holomorphic function defined and having a continuous derivative f' in an open set U containing a rectangle R. Then


    Recall the statement of Green's Theorem: Let tex2html_wrap_inline125 be an oriented piecewise smooth simple path (i.e., each connected component of tex2html_wrap_inline125 does not intersect itself) in the plane. Assume that tex2html_wrap_inline125 bounds a region D (and has the induced orientation, i.e., each smooth piece of tex2html_wrap_inline125 is oriented so that D is on the left as you move along tex2html_wrap_inline125 ). Let p(x,y), q(x,y) be two functions which are defined and have continuous partial derivatives in an open set tex2html_wrap_inline143 containing D and tex2html_wrap_inline125 . Then


    1. Let D be an open disk in tex2html_wrap_inline151 and let f be continuous in D. Suppose that tex2html_wrap_inline157 for every closed rectangle R contained in D. Prove that f is holomorphic.
    2. Suppose that f is continuous in all of tex2html_wrap_inline151 and holomorphic in tex2html_wrap_inline169 . Prove that f is holomorphic everywhere.
  2. Let U be an open subset of tex2html_wrap_inline151 and tex2html_wrap_inline177 a sequence of holomorphic functions which converges, uniformly on compact subsets of U, to a function f. Prove that f is holomorphic in U and that tex2html_wrap_inline187 converges, uniformly on compact subsets of U, to f'.
  3. Lang page 132 Problem 1: Find the integrals over the unit circle C:

    (a) tex2html_wrap_inline195 (b) tex2html_wrap_inline197 (c) tex2html_wrap_inline199

  4. Ahlfors page 120 Problem 3: Compute tex2html_wrap_inline201 under the condition tex2html_wrap_inline203 . Hint: Make use of the equations tex2html_wrap_inline205 and tex2html_wrap_inline207 .
  5. Show that the successive derivatives of an analytic function at a point can never satisfy tex2html_wrap_inline209 in two ways: (a) Using Cauchy's Estimate. (b) Using Taylor's Theorem.
  6. Lang page 132 Problem 3 (modified):
    1. Let f be an entire function, k a positive integer, and let tex2html_wrap_inline215 be the maximum of tex2html_wrap_inline217 on the circle of radius R centered at the origin. Then f is a polynomial of degree tex2html_wrap_inline223 if and only if there exist constants C and tex2html_wrap_inline227 such that


      for all tex2html_wrap_inline229 . (Note: one direction was proven in HW 1 Problem 7).

    2. Ahlfors, page 130 Problem 2: Show that a function which is analytic in the whole plane and has a non-essential singularity at tex2html_wrap_inline231 reduces to a polynomial.
  7. Lang page 159 Problem 7: Let f be analytic on a closed disc tex2html_wrap_inline235 of radius b;SPMgt;0, centered at tex2html_wrap_inline239 . Show that


    Hint: Use polar coordinates and Cauchy's Formula.

  8. Lang page 159 Problem 9 (modified): Let f be analytic and 1:1 on the unit disk D, and let tex2html_wrap_inline247 be the Taylor series expansion of f. Show that


    1. Show that the functions tex2html_wrap_inline251 and tex2html_wrap_inline253 have essential singularities at tex2html_wrap_inline231 .
    2. Let tex2html_wrap_inline257 , tex2html_wrap_inline259 . Find the set tex2html_wrap_inline261 of zeroes of f. Does tex2html_wrap_inline261 have any accumulation points? Explain. (See Lang, page 21 for the definition of an accumulation point).

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Eyal Markman
Tue Mar 28 17:47:47 EST 2000