WileyPlus Homework
An electronic copy of the textbook is integrated in the homework system Wiley-Plus that we will use for the class. When setting-up your account with Wiley plus there will be an option to purchase a hard copy of the book for a (small) extra-fee.
Create an account (be sure to use UMASS CAMPUS EMAIL as your username, type in the exactly same first name and last name as you used on SPIRE) and sign-up for your class using the discount code you purchased at. Please make sure to sign up for the correct section.
Written homework
This is a list of Math331 online homework and written homework from the sections in textbook we will cover. You must hand in the written homwork problems to gradescope on time for graded assignments. There is no extension for the wirtten homework. I won't return your homework, you should leave your own copy before you hand in. If you hand in the homwork after due date, you will receive zero. For the online homework you should click the homework and log on the Wileyplus system to finish it online before the due date, there is no extension for online homework.
For section 1 logon, please see flyer Section 1
For section 2 logon, please see flyer Section 2
Each homework set normally is due 11:50pm, Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday, I list the due date at this time beacuse the TAs will hold open recitation time from 2/1 to 5/4 on Monday-Thursday, 4-6pm. If you have any questions about your homework, please see math331 TAs
We expect and encourage students to work on these Written HW assignments in collaboration with each other. However, it is each student’s responsibility to write the solutions by yourself and not to copy anyone else’s solution(s). To properly credit them, please write the names of everyone you collaborated with on this assignment. Additionally, if you used any resources, outside of the course content provided in the book or Moodle, please list those resources
Please put the names of collaborators and resources used on a page prior to Problem #1 of each assignment.