Reading and Writing Data ======================================================== author: date: transition: none font-family: 'Garamond' In Previous Episodes ========== - Seen functions to load data in passing (e.g. readLines()) - Learned about string manipulation and regular expressions Agenda ========== - Getting data into and out of the system when it's already in R format - Import and export when the data is already very structured and machine-readable - Dealing with less structured data - Web scraping Reading Data from R ========== - You can load and save R objects + R has its own format for this, which is shared across operating systems + It's an open, documented format if you really want to pry into it - `save(thing, file="name")` saves `thing` in a file called `name` (conventional extension: `rda` or `Rda` or `Rdata`) - `load("name")` loads the object or objects stored in the file called `name`, _with their old names_ Example ===== ```{r,echo=TRUE} gmp <- read.table("~/gmp.dat") gmp$pop <- round(gmp$gmp/gmp$pcgmp) save(gmp,file="gmp.Rda") rm(gmp) exists("gmp") load(file="gmp.Rda") colnames(gmp) ``` ========== - We can load or save more than one object at once; this is how RStudio will load your whole workspace when you're starting, and offer to save it when you're done - Many packages come with saved data objects; there's the convenience function `data()` to load them ```{r} data(cats,package="MASS") summary(cats) ``` Non-R Data Tables ========== - Tables full of data, just not in the R file format - Main function: `read.table()` + Presumes space-separated fields, one line per row + Main argument is the file name or URL + Returns a dataframe + Lots of options for things like field separator, column names, forcing or guessing column types, skipping lines at the start of the file... - `read.csv()` is a short-cut to set the options for reading comma-separated value (CSV) files + Spreadsheets will usually read and write CSV Example: Reading data can be tricky ========== ```{r,cache=TRUE} data <- read.csv("~/huh.txt") data data$speed/data$distance ``` huh Example: Reading data can be tricky ========== ```{r,cache=TRUE} is.numeric(data$speed) is.numeric(data$distance) data$distance ``` Example: Reading data can be tricky ========== ```{r,cache=TRUE} as.numeric(data$distance) data$distance <- as.numeric(as.character(data$distance)) data$distance data$speed/data$distance ``` Writing Dataframes ========== - Counterpart functions `write.table()`, `write.csv()` write a dataframe into a file - Drawback: takes a lot more disk space than what you get from `load` or `save` - Advantage: can communicate with other programs Less Friendly Data Formats ========== - The `foreign` package on CRAN has tools for reading data files from lots of non-R statistical software - Spreadsheets are special Spreadsheets Considered Harmful ========== - Spreadsheets look like they should be dataframes - Real spreadsheets are full of ugly irregularities + Values or formulas? + Headers, footers, side-comments, notes + Columns change meaning half-way down + Whole separate programming languages apparently intended to mostly to spread malware Spreadsheets, what to do ========== - Save the spreadsheet as a CSV; `read.csv()` - Save the spreadsheet as a CSV; edit in a text editor; `read.csv()` - Use `read.xls()` from the `gdata` package + Tries very hard to work like `read.csv()`, can take a URL or filename + Can skip down to the first line that matches some pattern, select different sheets, etc. + You may still need to do a lot of tidying up after Semi-Structured Files, Odd Formats ========== - Sometimes non-tabular arrangement - Generally, write function to read in one (or a few) lines and split it into some nicer format + Regular expressions can help + Best to write functions to do this - Example: Actigraph accelerometer Actigraph accelerometer example ========== First few lines of dataset: ``` Created By ActiGraph GT3X+ ActiLife v6.7.0 Firmware v2.4.0 date format M/d/yyyy at 80 Hz Filter Normal --- Start Time 09:15:00 Start Date 3/5/2012 Epoch Period (hh:mm:ss) 00:00:00 Download Time 10:33:16 Download Date 3/5/2012 Current Memory Address: 0 Current Battery Voltage: 4.22 Mode = 12 -------------------------------------------------- 0.924,0.023,-0.32 0.927,0.026,-0.32 0.93,0.026,-0.32 ``` Reader function ========== ```{r} read.actigraph.GT3X <- function( { # read header and start time data <- readLines(paste(,n=10) start.time <- data[3] start.time <- (strsplit(start.time,split=" ")[[1]][3]) <- data[4] <- (strsplit(,split=" ")[[1]][3]) start.time <- as.POSIXlt(strptime(paste(,start.time), "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")) # read acceleration data and add timestamps data <- read.csv(,skip=10,header=F) n <- dim(data)[1] # number of rows in data <- data.frame(time = start.time + (0:(n-1))/80,data) return( } ``` How'd I figure out how to do this? Building data from the web ========== - Can do this with regular expressions like in lab - Easier way is to use a package (e.g. XML) - Example: Ironman data Example: Ironman data =========== - Want to build a dataset from the results tables lie at - XML is a package that has tools to find tables on web pages Example: Ironman data ========== ```{r} library(XML) junk <- "" junk.doc <- htmlParse(junk) tab <- readHTMLTable(junk.doc)$eventResults head(tab[,-c(2:5,10)]) ``` I want all the data! === (See R console...) Summary ========== - Loading and saving R objects is very easy - Reading and writing dataframes is pretty easy - Extracting data from unstructured sources is possible