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The "What Is ...?" Graduate Seminar

Room 1634, Lederle Graduate Research Tower
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Most Meetings are on Mondays 12:10-1:10 in LGRT 125    
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Overview of the Seminar
Maintained by Farshid Hajir.

NOTE At the Organizational meeting on Wednesday Feb 5, it was decided to move TWIGS to Mondays 12:10-1:10 to accomodate the largest number of participants. But the first couple of talks were already scheduled and will meet on Wednesdays 3-4 pm in 1634 LGRT. Here is the schedule of talks for TWIGS Fall 2002.

Spring 2003 Schedule:
  12 February Luc Rey-Bellet, UMass Amherst(Wednesday Edition, 1634 LGRT)
3:00-4:00   What Is The Ergodic Theorem?

  26 February Jim Humphreys, UMass Amherst (Wednesday Edition, 1634 LGRT)
3:00-4:00   What Is a Quiver?

  03 March Farshid Hajir, UMass Amherst (Monday Edition, 125 LGRT)
12:10-1:10   What Is a p-adic number?

  10 March Frank Sottile, UMass Amherst (Monday Edition, 125 LGRT)
12:10-1:10   What Is a Real Algebraic Curve?

  24 March Farshid Hajir, UMass Amherst (Monday Edition, 125 LGRT)
12:10-1:10   What Is an Elliptic Curve?

  31 March Franz Pedit, UMass Amherst (Monday Edition, 125 LGRT)
12:10-1:10   What Is A Surface of Constant Mean Curvature (CMC)?

  7 April John Staudenmayer, UMass Amherst (Monday Edition, 125 LGRT)
12:10-1:10   What Is a Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC)?

  9 April Arpad Benyi, UMass Amherst (Wednesday Edition, 1634 LGRT)
3:00-4:00   What Is Calderon's Reproducing Formula?

  16 April Greg Warrington, UMass Amherst (Wednesday Edition, 1634 LGRT)
3:00-4:00   What Is a Hyperplance Arrangement?

  23 April John Fogarty, UMass Amherst (Wednesday Edition, 1634 LGRT)
!!4:30-5:30!!   What Is a Chow Point?

  28 April Chris Raphael, UMass Amherst (Monday Edition, 125 LGRT)
12:10-1:10   What Is a Hidden Markov Model?

  5 May Bill Meeks, UMass Amherst (Monday Edition, 125 LGRT)
12:10-1:10   What Are Minimal Surfaces And What Does Classifying Them Mean?

12 February
Luc Rey-Bellet, UMass Amherst
What Is The Ergodic Theorem?

Ergodic theory is the study of maps or flows which preserve a measure. We will explain the concepts of recurrence, ergodicity and mixing, discuss the ergodic theorem of Birkhoff and present several simple examples (rotation of the circle and expanding maps of the circle). We will keep the discussion at an elementary level.

26 February
Jim Humphreys, UMass Amherst
What Is a Quiver?

A quiver is just a directed graph (with cycles permitted), not by itself a complicated mathematical object. But it provides a starting point for deeper investigations, when "representations" of quivers are studied. A representation of a quiver involves placing a vector space at each vertex and assigning a linear map to each arrow. In 1971 Peter Gabriel found a striking connection between indecomposable representations of quivers and Dynkin diagrams of types A, D, E for simple Lie algebras. Similar ideas were being explored independently by I.M. Gelfand's school in Moscow, in connection with problems of linear algebra. Since then other uses have been found for quivers, for example in the work of Claus Ringel and George Lusztig on bases for quantized enveloping algebras. Just last month the AMS Cole Prize in Algebra was awarded to Hiraku Nakajima, in part for his introduction of "quiver varieties" in 1994. This talk will focus on the basic ideas about quivers, but with a few indications of the later developments.

03 March
Farshid Hajir, UMass Amherst
What Is a p-adic number?

In addition to the usual metric on the rational numbers, there is, for each prime p, a "p-adic" metric. The completion of the rational numbers under the p-adic metric is called the field of p-adic numbers; it is an important object in number theory. Its "integers" can be thought of as numbers having infinite base-p expansion. The p-adic metric satisfies a strong form of the triangle inequality with many amusing consequences: for instance, every p-adic triangle is isosceles and a series converges p-adically if and only if its terms go to zero. I'll give examples of the local-global principle in number theory whereby certain equations are solvable in Q if and only if they are solvable p-adically for all p.

10 March
Frank Sottile, UMass Amherst
What Is a Real Algebraic Curve?

A real algebraic plane curve is the set of real solutions to a polynomial equation f(x,y)=0. Their topology and classification was one of Hilbert's problems in 1900, and their study continues to be an active area of mathematical research. For example, plane curves will play a major role in Winter/Spring 2004 program at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute on Topological aspects of real algebraic varieties. This talk will introduce you to them and to the beginnings of their study.

24 March
Farshid Hajir, UMass Amherst
What Is an Elliptic Curve?

An elliptic curve over a field F is a smooth curve of genus 1 over F equipped with a point on the curve defined over F. The set of points on the curve with coordinates in F forms an abelian group under a natural addition law. I'll describe the space of elliptic curves over the complex numbers and describe how this space can be viewed from analytic, geometric and arithmetic perspectives.

31 March
Franz Pedit, UMass Amherst
What Is A Surface of Constant Mean Curvature (CMC)?

I will explain the theory, experiments, and visualization of surfaces of constant mean curvature.

7 April
John Staudenmayer, UMass Amherst
What Is a Monte Carlo Markov Chain?

A monte carlo markov chain (MCMC) is a method that can be used to simulate quasi random variables from almost any distribution. By way of example, I'll show what a Monte Carlo Markov Chain is, sketch why it works, and illustrate one way in which it can be useful (Bayesian statistics). Along the way, I'll introduce what we need from markov chain theory and Bayesian statistics. [Stay tuned for "What is a CMCMC?" and "What is an MCMCMC?"...]

9 April
Arpad Benyi, UMass Amherst
What Is Calderon's Reproducing Formula?

Calderon's reproducing formula first appeared in a paper of Calderon from the 60's on complex interpolation. The basic idea is to write a function as a convenient "sum" of convolutions. The formula was motivated by some classical theory, which we plan to outline. We will then proceed with the proof of the formula. The talk only requires a basic knowledge of Fourier Analysis.

16 April
Greg Warrington, UMass Amherst
What Is A Hyperplane Arrangement?

A hyperplane arrangement is a collection of (codimension 1) slices through n-dimensional space. The study of these simple sounding objects leads to interesting and fundamental notions in combinatorics, algebra and topology. I will define hyperplane arrangements and focus on their combinatorial aspects. In particular, I'll explain how they relate to the Four-Color Theorem.

23 April
John Fogarty, UMass Amherst
What Is A Chow Point?

Brief discussion of Chow coordinates and an application by E. Noether to invariant theory in characteristic 0. Problems in characteristic p.

28 April
Chris Raphael, UMass Amherst
What Is A Hidden Markov Model?

I will introduce the hidden Markov model --- a probabilistic graphical model used for many recognition problems such as speech and optical character recognition. HMMs are useful primarily due to the way they interweave modeling flexibility with computation. I will show an application to automatic musical accompaniment and give a live demonstration.

05 May
Bill Meeks, UMass Amherst
What Are Minimal Surfaces and What Does Classifying Them Mean?

I will explain some of the basic equivalent descriptions of classical minimal surfaces in R^3. Also, i will describe some of the famous classical examples found in previous centuries. I will try to explain to what extent these famous examples are unique, based on recent results by myself and others.

The picture above was created by Paul Gunnells. It visualizes the natural action of the group of units of a complex cubic field on 3-space. Consult Paul for more details.

Last modified: 11 February 2003 by Farshid Hajir