Math 421: Complex variables
Fall 2015

Instructor: Paul Hacking, LGRT 1235H,

Classes: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 11:15AM - 12:05PM, in LGRT 171.
Office hours: Mondays 5:00--6:00PM and Tuesdays 4:00--5:00PM.

Course text: Complex variables and applications, by J. Brown and R. Churchill, 8th or 9th ed., McGraw-Hill 2009 or 2013. googlebooks.

Prerequisites: Math 233.

Overview of course

An introduction to functions of a complex variable. Topics include: Complex numbers, functions of a complex variable and their derivatives (Cauchy-Riemann equations). Harmonic functions. Contour integration and Cauchy's integral formula. Liouville's theorem, Maximum modulus theorem, and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Taylor and Laurent series. Classification of isolated singularities. Evaluation of Improper integrals via residues. Conformal mappings.

Class log


There will be weekly homework, due at the beginning of Wednesday's class. (First homework due Wednesday 9/23/15.)

Homework sets


There will be two midterm exams and one final exam.

The first midterm will be on Wednesday 10/14/15, 7:00PM--8:30PM, in LGRT 171. There will be a review session on Tuesday 10/13/15,7:00PM--8:30PM, in LGRT 171. Please try the review questions here before the review session. Solutions pdf. Here is the first midterm exam pdf and the solutions pdf.

The second midterm will be on Wednesday 11/18/15, 7:00PM--8:30PM, in LGRT 171. There will be a review session on Tuesday 11/17/15,7:00PM--8:30PM, in LGRT 171. Please try the review questions here before the review session. Solutions pdf. Here is the second midterm exam pdf and the solutions pdf.

The final exam will be on Thursday 12/17/15, 10:30AM--12:30PM, in LGRC A301. There will be a review session on Wednesday 12/16/15, 7:00PM--8:30PM, in LGRT 171. The syllabus for the final exam is everything we have covered (see the class log here) except the applications to fluid flow. Please try the review questions here before the review session. Solutions pdf.

Calculators, notes, and the textbook are not allowed on exams and quizzes. You should bring your student ID (UCard) to each exam.


Your course grade will be computed as follows: Homeworks and quizzes 30%, Midterm exams 20% each, Final exam 30%.

This page is maintained by Paul Hacking