Math 131 Calculus I

Review sessions for final exam

There will be three sessions. Each will be in Goessman 64 from 7 to 9 PM.

Please try to attend at least one of them!

Information for my section

This page contains information specific to my section of Calculus 131. For the general course page, which includes the syllabus and information about exams, look here.

Office Hours

Tuesdays, 12-2, in the Calculus Tutoring Center (LGRT 140).

Course meeting

Our section (Section 7) meets TuTh from 8:30-9:45 in LGRT 121.

Teaching Assistant

The teaching assistant, who will be conducting the discussion sections, is Bradley Willocks. He will also have some hours in the Calculus Tutoring Center (LGRT 140).

Instructors 20%

The Instructors 20% for our section will be determined as follows. One half (10%) will come from problems given through WebAssign. (At the end of the term I will drop two or three of your lowest problem sets when computing your final grade.) Of the rest, 4% will be determined by attendance in discussion section, and 6% will be determined by quizzes given in discussion section.


You will need to self-register at WebAssign to be able to complete homework assignments. For this you will need to know the "class key" (a special code that allows you to enroll in our section at Webassign). The class key is

  umass 2442 0343

Note that on the main course website, it claims that you will be automatically registered after I upload a roster to WebAssign. This is not true! You must sign up yourself using the class key above.


Email is the best way to contact me to ask me questions about course matters, but be sure to read this before sending me anything. Also, please do not ask me mathematical questions in email. Instead, for mathematical questions come by office hours or ask me after or during class. I've found that answering mathematical questions by email doesn't really work well; it's much better to talk about it in person.

Mathematics department
Revised: Sun Nov 30 15:03:36 EST 2014
Paul Gunnells
gunnells at math dot umass dot edu