Math 233

This is the webpage for my section. For the main course page, which includes information about grading, exams, and schedule of lectures, look here.

Office Hours

Office hours will be held in LGRT 1115J, Tu 8:30-9:30. Additionally I will have an hour in the Calculus Tutoring Center, Th 10-11.

Instructor Portion of Your Grade

One quarter of your grade is assigned by your section instructor (yours truly). I will base this grade on homework assignments completed on Webassign. I plan to drop at least two of your lowest scores at the end of term when computing your average.

To gain access to the assignments, you must register at Webassign and "self-enroll" into the course. You need a class key to do this; for our section it is

  umass 0652 5566

I will begin assigning homework the first week of class, so please try to sign up right away.


Revised: Sun Dec 8 20:45:30 EST 2013
Paul Gunnells
gunnells at math dot umass dot edu