Materials from the files of James E. Humphreys

Unipotent Elements and Characters of Finite Chevalley Groups (by N. Kawanaka). The official version of this paper is corrupted on the journal website, as pointed out by Minh-Tâm Trinh.

Computer code

From 2012-2014, I worked as a program officer at the National Science Foundation in the Algebra and Number Theory program in the Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS). I'm happy to answer questions from the community, either about the proposal process or my experience serving as a program officer.

Here are some slides from a department presentation in Fall 2014 on the NSF proposal process, specificially as it relates to submitting a proposal to DMS. These slides represent solely my own thoughts on the process and since the process does evolve, some of the observations may not still be relevant. Of most interest, even to experienced PIs, may be the second link on the first slide: Submitting a proposal to DMS.