This is a repository of course materials for Math 411: Abstract Algebra. More information can be found on Canvas. If you don't have access to Canvas for any reason, let me know ASAP.
Class information:
Tentative schedule
Office hours will be: Wednesday, 1:30 - 2:30, Thursday, 11:30 - 12:30, and Friday, 2 - 3 in LGRT 1242.
There will be a class Discord server and we will use Gradescope for homework submission. Check Canvas for links.
Class notes:
February 1: important sets and binary operations
February 6: introduction to groups (see also Worksheet 1, below)
February 8: more examples of groups
February 13: properties of groups
February 15: examples of non-abelian groups (see also Worksheet 2, below)
February 20: orders of elements and cyclic groups
February 27: orders of elements and introduction to subgroups
February 29: midterm review (see Canvas for solutions to review sheet)
March 5: midterm (see Canvas for grades and solutions)
March 7: no class
March 12: subgroups of cyclic groups
March 14: direct products (see also Worksheet 3, below)
Class worksheets:
February 6: practice with binary operations, and
February 15: the Dihedral group, and
March 14: direct products, and
Homework assignments:
Homework 1: due Sunday, February 11 at 11:59 pm
Homework 2: due Sunday, February 18 at 11:59 pm
Homework 3: due Sunday, March 3 at 11:59 pm
Homework 4: due Sunday, March 17 at 11:59 pm